Toronto Mike

Toronto News ~ Toronto Focus

Total 614 Posts

Toronto Hacks

Over on Reddit there was a discussion about people's best Toronto hacks.  Basically, any hacks for saving time, money or effort in Toronto. Here's a few of the hacks posted there. You can get a dozen free bagels on your birthday at What a BagelThere's a change machine at the
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Leafs Sold to Rogers and Bell, No Longer Pension Plan Puppets

So this just happened... The Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan has sold its 79.53 per cent stake in Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment to Rogers Communications and BCE for more than $1.2 billion.  BCE is fancy talk for Bell.  That's right, Bell and Rogers now each own 37.5%
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Shark Fin Soup Banned

Toronto city council has voted in favour of banning the possession and consumption of shark fins.  The final vote was 38-4, with only these four voting against the ban: Rob FordGiorgio MammolitiDoug HolydayDavid ShinerIf you're unsure what the shark fin controversy is about, check out this video of Gordon Ramsay
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