Toronto News ~ Toronto Focus
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As found on Torontoist, which is magically still online despite their threats to unplug the site on December 31, this clip is from Steve Martin's 1974 televisoin special "The Funnier Side of Eastern Canada". I always thought Steve Martin should have been Canadian. He was recently throwing zingers our way
Don't forget Torontonians, the TTC is completely free tonight from midnight to 4 am. Go ahead, get drunk and stupid as you ring in the new year, then leave your car and TTC it home. The free ride tonight is thanks to Liberty Entertainment Group. They've formed a coalition called
Environment Canada is calling it Snow-Mageddon. Tomorrow morning Toronto will get 15cm and they're calling for another snow storm on Sunday. Isn't "Snowmageddon" a little dramatic? 15cm tomorrow and a bunch more on Sunday makes for crappy driving conditions, but we've been through so much worse. Last winter, for example.
I'm a few days late on this one, but "I Get On (the TTC)" is a parody of Young Jeezy and Kanye West's "Put On" by Humber College student Syrus Watson and Centennial College student Randal Medford. It's gone viral in the 416. If you're outside the 416, I suppose
The high point in Toronto Sports probably happened in 1993. There was a week there when Joe Carter touched 'em all to secure the Blue Jays' second consecutive World Series and the Leafs won 10 in a row to open their season. If that was the high, this might just
It's not uncommon to see Toronto on the big screen, but usually we're playing Chicago or New York or some other American city. Toronto Stories is an indie film that premiered at the 2008 TIFF and now has a one-week run at the Royal Cinema starting on December 12th. The
As a primary school student here in Toronto, many a field trip was taken to the Young People's Theatre at 165 Front Street East. I remember several of the plays I saw there, including The Story of Anne Frank, which has stuck with me to this day. The Young People's
YouTube user Retrontario frequently uploads fantastic retro-Toronto-centric gems. These clips never fail to bring back a ton of memories for me, so I feature them from time to time. If you're a Torontonian who was around in the early 80s, you remember the "Be Nice, Clear Your Ice" campaign. It
When I was driving an '85 Ford Escort in the mid-90s, I wouldn't fill up the tank if the price exceeded 50¢ a litre. I'm not kidding. I managed to drive this way for years and years. About six years ago, prices hit 80¢ a litre in these parts and
I'm about to do something I haven't done since I was in primary school. I'm on my way to the CN tower. I'm playing host to a bunch of out-of-towners and taking them to the top of the CN Tower seemed like the thing to do. I get to play
I've just returned from taking the kids to the 2008 Santa Claus Parade. We got there nice and early and secured a perfect spot across from Toronto General Hospital on the divider island. That way you score a seat that's far more comfy than the curb. This is my fifth
It was well over a year ago that I first wrote about Let's All Hate Toronto, a documentary that pokes fun at the fact all of Canada outside the GTA seems to dislike those of us in the capital of the universe. I loved the title, and I loved the
Let's take the pulse of Toronto's blogosphere. I'm breaking blogs into three categories: best independent blog, best professional/media blog and best Toronto Mike blog. That last one is a little biased, so we'll start with it. Here are five blogs I'd like to recognize because they're run by frequent
Spacing Toronto just tipped me off about this very cool time-lapse video of our new scramble intersection of Yonge and Dundas. It's by Sam Javanrouh.
Toronto gets its first scramble intersection today as Yonge and Dundas is now scrambled. That means vehicle traffic stops with red lights in all four directions, followed by a pedestrian free-for-all, where people cross the intersection in any direction they choose: left, right, diagonally. It's worked elsewhere and I think
The big local news is the propane gas plant explosion at Keele and Wilson. Sunrise Propane, located just south of Downsview, sent massive fireballs into the sky just before dawn. At least one firefighter was killed fighting the blaze and thousands have been evacuated from their homes. As Torontonians already
Chad wrote me with a good idea. He thinks the Toronto Police should give the 2500 unclaimed backs back to Torontonians. Specifically, to the less fortunate. Here's his plan in his words: Mike,I've been trying to work through an idea in my head for a while ... getting bikes into
Here in Toronto, we love our signs. You can tear down our buildings, just don't mess with the signage. The CHUM building on Yonge Street, just south of St. Clair Ave., is going to be torn down and turned into luxury condos. Fear not Torontonians, the iconic CHUM sign will wants to make one thing perfectly clear. They are not the TTC, nor are they affiliated, endorsed, or otherwise associated with them. They are a community effort to make using the TTC a better experience for everyone, and they've succeeded. I love their "Plan a Trip" feature. Tell
It looks like it's going to rain again today. What a surprise. According to Environment Canada, 2008 has been one of the wettest summers ever in the Greater Toronto Area and it's only July. The agency said about 240 millimetres of rain has fallen since the beginning of last month.
I once wrote that 'tickets or tokens' is the Toronto equivalent of the 'boxers or briefs' question. Outside of the Metropass crowd there are two types of TTC riders: those who buy paper tickets and those who buy tokens. I still prefer tickets to tokens. I can put paper tickets
It's Friday. The weekend is upon us, Toronto. It's time to bitch about the heat!
Has it really been two years since I complained on this site about how totally crappy the official TTC website was? Here's what I wrote that fine May 2006 morning. Finally, if you want to see how out of touch TTC marketing is in this new age of viral communique,
In April I wrote about SARS, five years later. The spring of 2003 was a frightening one for me. My son was only a year old and in daycare and there was so much we didn't know about this near pandemic that was taking lives in this city. My wife,
Attending the Toronto FC match on Saturday was a bit like observing a foreign culture in their natural habitat. I found myself observing their rituals and customs as I quickly adapted. What I saw and experienced has me questioning everything I know when it comes to sporting events. The professional