Toronto Mike


Total 267 Posts

Toronto Mike Goes Wireless

I'm writing this entry from my front porch.  Work bought me a shiny new laptop so this afternoon I picked up a wireless router from Future Shop and just set her up.  That's right, I'm a little late to the wireless party, but better late than never. Testing the new
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Blowing Away The BOM

I recently inherited a web site that was littered with BOMs.  A BOM is a byte-order mark which is the Unicode codepoint U+FEFF, corresponding to the Unicode character 'ZERO WIDTH NON-BREAKING SPACE' (ZWNBSP).  To dumb it down a shade, every instance of a BOM displayed like  in the
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Finished With Facebook?

I resisted Facebook valiantly, much like I resisted MySpace, until I was pulled into the Facebook universe by a group I wanted to run with.  Toronto Mike was on Facebook and I've been there for a little over one month.  I think I've had enough. At first, the social networking
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Food For Social Networking Thought

Viewing American class divisions through Facebook and MySpace is an essay by Danah Boyd that's worth reading.  She breaks down the socio-economic divisions she's detected, and it's quite interesting. The goodie two shoes, jocks, athletes, or other "good" kids are now going to Facebook. These kids tend to come from
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The Wonderful Future

As I loaded up my new iPod shuffle last night, I couldn't get over how small it was.  This thing is barely bigger than a postage stamp and when it's clipped to my shirt I don't even realize I'm wearing it.  As I gazed down upon this tiny music player
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Mah Nà Mah Nà

It started with Scott.  I caught him singing "Mah Nà Mah Nà", a song I know and love from The Muppets. I started singing it too, and I've been singing it all day.  I remembered a version of the song recorded by Cake, and I went straight to the Wikipedia
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My Issue With iTunes

My PC music playing history goes like this: Winamp forever, Quintessential Player for a while and then iTunes.  What I liked best about iTunes was the enhanced searchability and sortability.  As my collection grew, I realized there was a high price to pay for this indexing. I have my collection
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Say It Ain't So, Yahoo!

With mighty Microsoft badly losing the online search and services battle to Google, they're pursuing Yahoo!.  Although I've pretty well migrated all my Yahoo! stuff to Google, I have fond memories of Yahoo! I shared in this entry.  Yahoo! was Google before Google was Google, and we shouldn't forget that.
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RSS in Plain English

I'm tired of explaining RSS.  Previously I've professed my love for the format while admitting many simply don't get it.  I know people don't get it because I'm constantly having to explain it to others. Here's a little video that tries to explain it in plain English.  I just posted
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Welcome to GWorld

Google and I have kissed and made up following our little tiff the other day.  Now that we're buddies again, I'm back singing their praises. The tutorial below from Google shows how you can increase productivity by adopting Google Apps for your business or organization.  The package they're selling isn't
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Sector 6 Lockdown in Gmail

My friends and family often joke that I'm on the Google payroll because of how often I sing their praises.  That might be changing.  All day I've been limited in Gmail.  I get messages, but I can't send attachments or open attachments.  If I attempt to do so I get
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C'mon Google, Follow Yahoo's Lead

A competitive marketplace benefits consumers.  That's why I'm pleased to hear Yahoo! Mail will offer unlimited storage.  Google has to respond and I'm hoping they follow suit.  The Gmail 2.8 GB limit may sound like a lot, but I'm constantly having to delete messages to ensure I don't run
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Flickr Launches Collections

From the Flickr Blog. Today we launched what's probably the most requested feature over the last few years: a way to categorize and organize your photo sets! In the past this feature has been referred to as "sets of sets" or "subsets". After today, we'll know it as "collections".What
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Backing Up

I buy very little for myself.  Other than a ticket to see the Hip earlier this month, I haven't bought anything for myself in about a year. When I want something, like The Simpsons on DVD, I wait for my June birthday or Christmas and request it as a gift.
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Instant Messenger Observations

When I log in to Gaim, I'm simultaneously logging in to three IM channels: GTalk, Yahoo! and MSN.  I've noticed a developing trend over the past year. The Yahoo! users seem to be disappearing.  There was a time when the majority of my friends, family and acquaintances were using the
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AVG Is Still Free

If you use AVG's free edition of virus protection, you probably recently saw that alert that says their free version will expire on January 17.  The alert asks you to upgrade to a paid model of AVG protection, and many of you might think that's your only option.  It's not.
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State of the Blogosphere

An interesting Canadian study on blogs and blogging was released yesterday by the Environics Research Group.  Here are their findings. 7% have written their own blog9% have left a comment on a blog32% have read a blog in the last three monthsThe study points out that 51% of Canadians aged
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IE7 and CSS Support

I see IE7 is available for download.  I don't dare download it myself, but I've seen it in action and there are honest to goodness tabs at work.  This IEBlog entry is from August, but if Microsoft delivered what they promised, many of those horrible CSS interpretation bugs from IE6
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