Toronto Mike


Total 267 Posts


Microsoft is withdrawing its offer for Yahoo! after talks between the two companies broke down on Saturday. My reaction can be summed up in one word... Yahoo! Previously on Toronto Mike: Say It Ain't So, Yahoo!It's the Interface, StupidYahoo! Defends Itself From The Evil Empire
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The iPhone is the One

This is been a busy mofo of a week.  I'm just coming up for air, was there an announcement about the iPhone coming to Canada? Oh yes, here it is.  In the worst kept secret in Canadian telecom history, Rogers will be bringing Apple's iPhone to Canada later this year.
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Google's Free 411 Service

According to BlogTO, Google's free 411 service is now available here in Toronto.  This is a pretty awesome service from Google that beats the crap out of the 75¢ 411 service we all hate to use.  Program 1-800-4664-411 into your mobile phone now and you'll thank me later. Here's a
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CSS3's ::selection Pseudo-Element

Firefox and Safari support CSS3's ::selection pseudo-element. Using that and PHP, this toy hides an image in plain view. If you're a Firefox or Safari user, highlight the text below with your mouse. Michael Power/St. Joseph High School isa Catholic Secondary School in Etobicoke, part of the city of
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Yahoo! Wooed By Dark Side

The first Google, before Google became Google, was Yahoo!.  Here's a little love letter I once wrote to Yahoo! and here's my recollection of the World Wide Web's beginning.  As I said, Yahoo! was my Google before Google became my Google. Yahoo! is being wooed by the evil empire.  Microsoft
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You Suck At Photoshop

I'm a Photoshop user.  It's my tool of choice for all my imaging needs.  I pop into Photoshop at least once every day and I'm pretty good at it, but I know there's still a great deal to learn. There's a series of Photoshop tutorials on YouTube that absolutely rock.
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Commodore PET

The first computer I ever enjoyed was the Commodore PET.  My dad would bring it home from work on weekends in the late 70s and very early 80s.  My three favourite games were horse racing, where I'd essentially bet against simulated racetrack odds, lemonade stand, where I'd manage a virtual
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Movable Type's Freedom

This blog is powered by Movable Type.  Movable Type is what gives this site its bloggy goodness: comments, trackbacks, RSS, category archives, date archives, and all of that.  I've spent a lot of time installing, configuring and optimizing Movable Type for various purposes.  Humble's blog runs off of it, Freddie's
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Blogs in Plain English

This video does a good job of explaining blogs in plain English.  Of course, this is a kin to preaching to the choir, but you might have a friend, co-worker or aunt who just doesn't get it. It's pretty good, but it needs more cowbell... and RSS.
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24 in 1994 Brings Me Back

We've come a long way, baby.  I just revisited 1994 thanks to this slice of funny from Collegehumor.  It's the pilot for 24, filmed in 1994 and never aired. Those early years of the web seemed so advanced at the time, and so dated in retrospect.  I remember paying for
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Thank You, Browsershots

A couple of days ago I was buried in the wonderful world of browser compatibility.  A redesign of this site was working in Firefox but not in IE6.  The struggle, of course, is testing my code in various flavours of different browsers on different platforms.  This is where Browsershots is
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If you've been reading this blog for a while, you'll know I've been sort of proud of the fact I've never owned a mobile phone.  I was almost given a phone just for blogging about it, but I turned it down.  The iPhone piqued my interest, but it's not yet
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My Windows History

I've had an interesting relationship with Microsoft.  Whenever possible, I've actively seeked Microsoft alternatives, but when it comes to the OS I've always ended up with a version of Windows.  I love the spirit of Ubuntu Linux, but I'm still running Windows as my primary operating system. Here's my personal
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My Personal IM Evolution

I just realized I've been logging on to one instant messenger protocol or another for over a decade now.  How I do so today is quite different than how I did so back then, and over the past ten years there's been an evolution of sorts. Here, in chronological order,
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Wi-Fi Detector Shirt

Now that I do most of my work on a laptop, this wi-fi detector shirt sounds like a pretty good idea.  Geeks think of everything, don't they? Here at ThinkGeek we're pretty lazy when it comes to technology. We expect our gadgets to do all the busywork while we focus
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