Toronto Mike


Total 267 Posts

Third Time's a Charm for Songbird

I used to swear by Winamp for playing my MP3s.  For years and years I thought people were crazy for not using Winamp, then something happened with Winamp's development that had me looking for an alternative player.  I flirted with the Quintessential Player for a while, and eventually ended up
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Are Zunes Committing Suicide?

My personal MP3 player of choice is the iPod Touch.  iPods don't commit suicide, at least they don't en masse. There's word at this hour that 30GB Zunes are killing themselves in droves. The internet is awash with reports that the 30GB Zune is committing suicide across the planet. Not
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Beta Forever?

I experienced a frustrating issue with Google Chat in Gmail today.  It wouldn't log me in, telling me my system administrator had blocked me.  I knew that wasn't true, so I started trouble shooting on my own. It turns out I had enabled a feature in Google Labs, where Google
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I Live In A Digital Ghetto

Jesse Brown has an interesting entry on his Search Engine blog for CBC Radio.  He laments about the growing list of backwards policies in Canada that he believes is creating a sense of digital isolation. 1. Last week the CRTC sided with Bell against a group of small Internet Service
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The Rise and Fall of RealAudio

It's been 30 years since the Jonestown massacre.  That got me interested in learning more about the Peoples Temple Agricultural Project formed by followers of the Reverend Jim Jones and Peoples Temple.  That led me to NPR Online where you can listen to a great doc entitled "Father Cares: The
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XMp3 Player With XM Satellite Radio

A package arrived for me today with a letter.  Here's how that letter started. You are one of only 25 individuals in Canada who will receive this exclusive XMp3 Kit!Your XMp3 Experience includes:1 XMp3 player1 XMp3 accessory kit (earbuds, remote control, home antenna, home dock, and more)1
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PC Salvation

One perk when working for a software company is easy access to hardware deemed insufficient for development purposes.  At least this is a perk when you're buds with the IS guy.  Older desktops and laptops are taken out of circulation and replaced, usually because the latest version of Windows demands
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CSS Design

As it gets easier and easier for regular folk to publish on the web, I find less and less publishers are actually bothering to get their hands dirty with design. Using Blogger?  Simply choose a theme from the list.  Using Facebook or MySpace? The default settings will do.  Using Wordpress
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Cuil Search Engine

Cuil, pronounced cool, is the newest search engine out to steal a slice of Google's pie.  I just checked it out for the first time by searching for toronto blog. The results were fantastic!  I mean, look at what's #1 in Cuil when you conduct that search.  That's pretty cuil.
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Rogers Hijacks Our Web Browser

At home, our ISP is Rogers.  Judging from the analytics I receive for this site, many of you are also Rogers customers.  It appears Bell and Rogers dominate the residential internet access space in the Greater Toronto Area. When you put a term like "cnn" in the address bar, your
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How The Blogosphere Works

Yesterday afternoon, before heading over to East Side Mario's to celebrate a couple of birthdays, I asked for help finding three Canadian songs in MP3 format.  These are three songs I adore but have never had in my collection.  That fact alone tells you're they're a little obscure. By the
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Things the Web Replaced

My kids will never know a time before the World Wide Web.  I was already in university when the web arrived, so I have many memories of doing things that I no longer do as a result of this communications revolution.  Here are some things that the web has replaced.
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The Best Firefox Yet

With more than 15,000 improvements, Firefox 3 is faster, safer and smarter than ever before.  I've been using Release Candidate 2 of Firefox 3 for a couple of weeks now and I'm loving it.  It's faster, that memory leak seems to have dried up and there are neat enhancements
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CRTC, Get Your Damn Hands Off My Web

Canadian Thinker is calling it "scary stuff".  I think that's an understatement.  The CRTC has reversed it's 1999 promise to stay out of the realm of cyber space and is now looking at limiting Canadians' access to online broadcasters and Internet-based radio stations. It may also see a levy charged
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Google Friend Connect

The Google Press Center just made an announcement about Google Friend Connect.  Here's what Google Friend Connect entails. Websites that are not social networks may still want to be social -- and now they can be, easily. With Google Friend Connect (see following this evening's
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