Total 267 Posts
Remember back in March 1997 when Marshall Applewhite and his Heaven's Gate cult committed mass suicide in order to leave Earth for a space craft that was trailing the comet Hale-Bopp? Well, they had a website at to explain to the rest of us why they
My buddy Retrontario shared an old ad for that aired in 1995. It's actually pretty progressive for 1995, the first year I opened a web browser. It's amazing how far we've come since then. CBC News has a great app I use daily on my Android
I've tried a few different tablets over the past few years. In fact, there's one next to my bed right now. I rarely touch it. It seems I like using a laptop. I've got a laptop next to the bed and I just grab it and do my surfing or
People definitely have personal preferences when it comes to mobile phone notification settings. We'll start with my preferences, then we'll get to you. These settings are currently applied to my Samsung GALAXY S II, but it was pretty much the same when I had a BlackBerry. I'm going to ignore
I've been watching a lot of playoff hockey lately, and that means I've seen the Meridith Valiando DigiTour Blackberry Bold ad about one million times. Of course, I haven't seen it a million times. I'm exaggerating. And that must be what Meridith Valiando is doing in the ad. She claims
Today was an interesting day. It began with the full release of Ubuntu 12.04 which I installed on my desktop. Then, the XPS 13 arrived from Dell. I didn't pay for the XPS 13. Dell just gave it to me, so I'm going to review it and compare it
I always naturally gravitate away from Microsoft applications. I'm writing this entry on a desktop running Ubuntu, I edit .docx files in LibreOffice and I haven't used IE in about a decade. But there is one Microsoft software application I do use daily, and I think it's great. Admittedly, I
We had the old 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System growing up. We didn't have R.O.B. (Robotic Operating Buddy), however. As you'll see from this NES ad, initial marketing efforts put a lot of focus on R.O.B., the robot you play with. Despite loving my NES, I barely
Former Google engineer James Whittaker as written an interesting blog entry about why he left Google to return to Microsoft. The Google I was passionate about was a technology company that empowered its employees to innovate. The Google I left was an advertising company with a single corporate-mandated focus.Under
On the heels of our great discussion about computer operating systems, I want to know what OS is running on your smart phone. I have a Samsung Galaxy S II running Android. I've had it for about six months after years of using a Blackberry. I love my Android, but
I have a work-issued MacBook Pro running OS X, a laptop running Windows 7 and a desktop running Ubuntu 11.10. That makes me lucky enough to have the big three operating systems at my fingertips. I work from home, and the bulk of my work is done on the
My kids have had their own Gmail addresses since they were about five years old. I set them up with accounts, added family and close friends to their contact list, and showed them how to communicate with Grandma, their uncles, etc. There's nothing cooler than getting an email from your
We might have won the battle against SOPA, but we in Canada have another fight on our hands. It's called the Copyright Modernization Act, Bill C-11 and it's an awful lot like SOPA and the DMCA. Bill C-11 is currently under review in Canada’s House of Commons. Why should
McNulty is a regular commenter on this blog, and I think he's been participating for at least five years now. McNulty once lent me his DVD collection of The Wire, earning him a special place in my heart for all eternity. On McNulty's blog, he wrote an entry on why
I was perusing Retrontario's YouTube channel when I stumbled upon this commercial for the E.T. video game Atari promoted heavily back in 1982. Back then, I had an Atari 2600 clone called the Gemini (not my award) but I never found E.T. under the tree in '82. Looks
SOPA, the Stop Online Piracy Act, has me worried. In a nutshell, SOPA is a proposed bill before the US congress that would allow owners of intellectual property to block or disable any website that they consider infringes on their intellectual property. It's a frightening slippery slope that promises to
Has your Gmail updated yet to give you the new Google Bar? I have to roll over the Google logo to access other Google services, and I need to choose "More" or click "Even More" to get at some of my favourites. Here's a screen cap of my Google Bar:
The Motts were a popular husband and wife radio duo on CFRB for years and years until they were let go by Astral back in August of 2009. They're now podcasting daily at I've been working with Humble and Fred, who are now podcasting daily at,
I got my Gmail account in June 2004 and started sharing invites with you all shortly thereafter. Today, I use Gmail more than ever, even paying for additional storage. Gmail really has become the heart beat of my life management. It syncs with my Google Calendar, Google Chat, Google Maps
I mentioned I needed a new phone. You guys had some great suggestions, with some lobbying hard for iPhone and others making a great case for Android. One guy, my bud BlackBerry Ry, even tried to get me to remain in the BlackBerry game. I ended up getting a Samsung
Completely unrelated to recent Blackberry issues, I need a new phone. I've been using a company-owned Blackberry the past 4 years, but now it's time to give that up and get my own. This will be my only phone and I'd like it to be both smart and reliable. I'm
Remember that bit from Louis CK about how everything's amazing and nobody's happy? Here's my contribution... Right now, my Blackberry is just.... wait for it... just a phone. That's right, it's merely a mobile phone. It's not a smart phone, just a phone. I haven't received a BBM since last
I work with a very persistent young lady who really, really wants me to promote the Android TO conference. Sorry... I've just been told it's actually the AndroidTO conference. My bad. Coincidentally, I'm days away from reviewing the Motorola Xoom, a tablet running Android. The Xoom is my first foray
Google is getting smarter. They're now interpreting photos on sites running Adsense to serve up matching ad images. Amazing.
When HP sent me a Touchpad in July, I dove into the tablet market for the first time. The Touchpad didn't make it, but it got me wondering if there's a viable iPad alternative out there. No doubt Apple's iPad is a dominating #1, but what's #2? In my quest