Toronto Mike

My 2 Cents

Total 440 Posts

The Britney Microscope

When you're on your 7134th blog entry, it's likely you've covered a lot of ground.  Although I don't have any facts to back this up, I'd guess the most popular subject of blogs is Britney Spears.  She's prime gossip fodder with mass appeal and everybody loves staring at a train
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Red Hot Chili Peppers Signature Song

There's something that hasn't settled well with me since I heard the Red Hot Chili Peppers were suing Showtime over the name "Californication".  What I don't get is Red Hot Chili Peppers singer Anthony Kiedis saying "Californication" is the band's signature song. "Californication" is a fine song, but does anyone
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Pen Pals

Did you have a pen pal growing up?  I'd always hear about kids maintaining long term long distance relationships with pen pals.  They'd exchange birthday wishes, holiday greetings and well wishes over years and years.  I always thought this sounded like a great idea. I never had a pen pal
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This is Getting Loonie

On September 20th I wrote about our Canadian dollar reaching parity with the American dollar.  That hadn't happened since 1976 and I thought it was kind of neat but wouldn't last. Today our Loonie passed $1.10 U.S.  This is getting loonie.  How high will it go? My 9-5
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I Just Want A Coffee

There's a Starbucks on every corner and I don't understand the allure at all. I just don't get it.  I enjoy coffee, but have you ever gone into a Starbucks and asked for coffee?  They look at you like you just asked for an oil change.  Starbucks doesn't sell coffee.
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Tasering of Andrew Meyer Stuns Me

I just watched video of University of Florida police officers using an electronic stun gun to subdue Andrew Meyer who was questioning Senator John Kerry at a campus forum.  The video is so disturbing I'm sorry I viewed it.  Meyer was asking a question, didn't threaten Kerry at all, and
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No Interest In A Second Life

More than 8.9 million accounts have been registered with Second Life, the Internet-based virtual world that gained serious steam about a year ago.  That means a whole bunch of us are living as avatars in this other "world".  I must confess, I have absolutely no interest in Second Life.
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A Word on the VMAs

As threatened, I tuned into the MTV Video Music Awards last night.  While it's fresh in my mind, and because you're dying to know what I thought, here's my two cents. The Brit wasn't ready for prime time.  Bless her heart, she didn't look bad considering her diet of Doritos
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An Ode to Cereal

I loved Back to the Future.  Scratch that, I love Back to the Future.  It's as good today as it was when I first saw it back in '85.  Whether I'm watching it 22 years ago or today, I take serious issue with the portrayal of cereal in this otherwise
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A Sure Sign Of The Apocalypse

As I surf the web tonight reading the latest news I'm seeing articles from legitimate news outlets suggesting Fidel Castro may be dead.  These legitimate news outlets are crediting Perez Hilton as their source. Perez Hilton, a blogger with just a little more traffic than me, is claiming to have
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YouTube: The Bloggers Crutch

Kids, gather around.  Toronto Mike is about to spin a yarn for y'all.  You see, I've been blogging daily for almost five years.  When I started blogging, there was no YouTube.  I actually had to create content. YouTube is a blogger's crutch.  When you're busy, or when you've just got
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False Attractiveness on Facebook

I may be finished with Facebook, but I'm lingering long enough to throw one more Facebook beef at y'all.  On Facebook, everyone is attractive, even when they're not. All of your friends in Facebook are represented by 50 pixel wide profile pictures.  If you visit their profile, this same picture
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People and Dogs

My wife can watch a news report about 100 innocent people being slaughtered without visibly responding, but if she sees someone kick a dog in a movie, she becomes visibly shaken and upset and has to turn her head.  I haven't told her about Michael Vick, and I don't think
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Benefit Concert Fatigue

I was just reminded that Live Earth is taking place this weekend.  I'm just not feeling it.  I think I'm suffering from benefit concert fatigue. After 9/11 there were a few big benefit concerts, then we had SARSstock, the tsunami, and then Live 8 which was sort of a
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Ontario's Emissions Scam

I recently bought a new car.  It's actually not a new car, but it's new to me, and when I bought it it came with a certificate proving it had recently passed an emissions test.  If you look at the test results, you'll see it wasn't even close. This morning
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