Toronto Mike


Total 801 Posts

A Decade of Blogging

It was ten years ago tomorrow that I changed my personal home page into a blog.  Not a lot of blogs have hit the decade mark, so I'm pretty proud I kept this up.  It's still fun. The Tale of the Tape # of entries (including this one): 11,653# of
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Brilliant Machines

They're spotting robots everywhere. There are more videos at and on Twitter if you search for the hashtag #brilliantmachines. Am I crazy, or is there a simple explanation of all this?  The Omnibot 2000 lives!
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Keep Calm and Carry On

Keep Calm and Carry On posters have become iconic.  You see them everywhere, in original form or parody, a relic of the second world war. The poster is so iconic you'd be excused if you thought these were all over Britain during WWII.  In reality, they were rarely used by
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The Best of Down Goes Brown

Something wonderful arrived in the mail today.  I received my copy of The Best of Down Goes Brown, a collection from the funniest hockey blogger I know. I can't remember when I first discovered Down Goes Brown, but it might have been when he was fake Brian Burke on Twitter.
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RL Solutions Open House

I was lucky enough to get an invitation to RL Solutions' open house today.  RL Solutions is a Toronto-based company that makes healthcare software, and they recently moved into the 23rd floor at 1 Yonge Street. Tonight was an all-you-can-eat, all-you-can-drink bonafide par-tay. I should point out I don't work
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Bad Parenting: Exhibit A is Me

I received an email from Toronto Police Service this morning.  They're going to use their Facebook page to remind Torontonians to use caution along river banks and fast moving waters.  They were searching Google Images for the ideal image to accompany this warning, and they came across a picture I
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4 Chicks in the Woods

I wanted a proxy for the Oxfam Trailwalker 2012 100 km hike from Wasaga Beach to Midland and I've found four chicks ready to take the plunge for a good cause.  Actually, I've found 4 chicks in the woods who need your donations. 4 chicks in the woods are Heather
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Parking Ticket Guys

Parking Ticket Guys just bought a textual link on the left side of the home page.  The value isn't so much in the click-throughs as it's SEO.  Search engines dig it. If you're looking for exposure for your company, and improved organic ranking in Google, you may want to join
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