Total 802 Posts
Over at Freddie P's blog, he's been writing about how little there is to write about these days. The absence of an interesting and juicy news story is the juiciest story out there. It’s been a quiet summer when you think about it. There’s been some gun play
This one is for a little princess having her fourth birthday party today. It's called "Ode To Joy".
I've been hearing buzz about this little art house film called "The Dark Knight". The reviews have been off the hook, as the kids would say, assuming the kids are still saying that. It's so hard to keep up. I still think gnarly is a cool word. Ajax Mike wrote
On Wednesday morning I watched my car's odometer pass the 200,000 km mark. Other than a few thousand that belong to my wife, all 200,000 of these kilometres belong to me. My odometer is digital. I far prefer the old rolling odometers when it comes to odometer milestones
We've had a Nintendo Wii since Christmas, and it's still a very popular entertainment device in our household. My son is allowed 30 minutes on the Wii a day, but he can bank hours he doesn't use. The 30 minute cap was implemented because the boy is addicted to Lego
I'm a pretty ritualistic guy. When I catch The Tragically Hip in concert, I always wear my #5 Bill Barilko jersey. When I catch any other band in concert, I wear my Yield t-shirt purchased at Pearl Jam's 1998 show at Molson Park in Barrie. That 1998 Pearl Jam show
Earlier today I wrote about Edgefest taking place this Saturday at Downsview Park. I wondered aloud about the water policy. I've been at outdoor concerts where they've made me remove the cap of my bottled water upon entrance and I've been at other shows where the water was disallowed altogether.
The people at GelaSkins sent me a couple of removable art prints for my iPod, but there was a miscommunication and I got a skin for an iPod Nano (3rd Gen.) and an iPod Classic. I don't own either. This means I have two GelaSkins to give away. These things
My home phone just rang and it was an automated operator at the other end. The recording told me I had a text message and asked me if I wanted to open it. I have never received a text message on a land line before, so I naturally chose to
Okay readers, I need you. For my recent birthday I received some cash and a gift certificate for Future Shop. I almost never buy myself stuff except for once a year when I get one big thing for my birthday. In 2004 that was a digital camera, which I still
I read an article at NowPublic.com this afternoon that really spoke to me. It was entitled "Mike Boon blogs his way to the 5th Paper Champions Award" and it was about an entry I wrote about George Bell hitting 3 homers on opening day in Kansas City. Here's a
I'm looking for a few MP3s. It's a little project I'm working on to spread my love of Canada to Fukuoka, Japan. I'll explain more on Monday, but for now I need... The Diodes - Tired of Waking Up TiredThe Demics - New York CityRheostatics - Record Body CountYeah, I'm
Most bloggers give up on their blogs after a handful of entries. This is my 7815th entry, making me a rare example of a blogger who stuck with it. I enjoy it immensely, and while it's fun I don't intend to quit. One Post Wonder is a blog about the
I awoke to hear the news that George Carlin is gone. He was one funny sonofabitch. His edgy humour always struck a chord with me and he'll be missed. I could bury you in YouTubery but I thought I'd stick with three Carlin gems. He really was more than just
We interrupt our 24 hour sports coverage to bring you something very cool. This is Ferris Bueller’s Day Off mashed with Requiem for a Dream by the Kronos Quartet.
I'm a competitive guy. I hate to lose. I really hate to lose. Over the years I've become a better loser, but the teams I've played for have won far more often then they've lost. I've played for the same slo-pitch team for about 8 years or so and we've
Walking With Dinosaurs is fantastic. I just returned form opening night at the ACC and it was better than I expected. And no, I'm not just saying that because I saw it for free, although free tickets totally rule for two reasons. 1) They're primo seats - we were in
I've just wrapped up day two at the Search Engine Strategies Conference & Expo Toronto 2008. I'll have more to say later about B2B search engine marketing and the semantic web, but I just realized today is the opening night of Walking With the Dinosaurs. I've been comped as a
228 years ago, during the War of Independence, a British warship sank in Lake Ontario. The 22-gun brig-sloop HMS Ontario was a few hours into a voyage from Fort Niagara on Oct. 31, 1780 when it went down, killing about 120 people. For 228 years, the HMS Ontario lay in
After my most recent redesign of this blog, I borrowed the style of the header image from Spacing.ca. But, before I did that, I asked Matthew Hague from Spacing if it was cool with him. It was, in fact, he told me exactly what font and colour they use.
If you were one of the 18 people reading this blog in 2003, you remember I wrote about my three imaginary friends. Their names were Honour, Grrr and Lion and I spent a great deal of time with them as a child. I swear I thought they were real, just
The company promoting Walking With Dinosaurs at the Air Canada Centre is sending me and one of my kids to opening night. "Walking with Dinosaurs - The Live Experience" as it's billed is a live theatrical adaptation of the six-part television series produced by the BBC. I'm told 15 life-size
When I was grabbing that list of search strings for May 2008, I noticed a surge in hits coming from Forum de la LHSNHLQ, a French Canadian hockey forum of some sort. It didn't take long for me to see they were hotlinking to one of my images, a hockey
Amy Winehouse needs help. I realize this isn't breaking news, but as a civilized society can we just watch her self destruct in plain sight and treat it as tabloid fodder? Let's help the poor girl. She needs it, whether she knows it or not. Here she is at the
Sunday afternoon, as I roasted a hot dog over a blazing hot bonfire, I couldn't wait to slip it in a bun and chow down. Hot dogs might not be good for us, but damn it's one tasty food. I've always loved hot dogs and sausages. Nothing tastes better after