Total 801 Posts
I'm a fan of routines. On Thursday morning I was bussed up to Horseshoe Valley ski resort for a couple of days of corporate brainwashing in the guise of purely awesome fun. They cover all meals, give you your own room, give you ski / snowboarding / tubing passes, but you have
By far the most popular entry I've written in 2009 is Scientology, Autism and the Death of Jett Travolta. Sure, we're only seven days into 2009, but I'll bet you a loonie that I'll be able to make the same claim on December 31. I've been at this game a
I blogged less in 2008 than I did in any calendar year since 2003. I know this because I just crunched the numbers. Blog Entries by Year 2008 - 14332007 - 16592006 - 15982005 - 16402004 - 17222003 - 3692002 - 3My calculator tells me that even during a slow
I started noticing grey hairs in my head when I was 21. By the time I was 30, I had a definite salt and pepper thing happening. I'm not one to dye my hair, so I let nature take its course and hoped for the best. I'm now 34, and
One of the gifts exchanged this Christmas was a specific Pioneer DVD player my brother Ryan wanted. The DVD box noted the player was black, but in addition to black used the term "Negro". I know enough French to know black in French is noir. Since negro is an ethnic
Elvis just reminded me today is Festivus. I want to wish each and every one of you a very happy Festivus. For those who don't know what Festivus is, there are three easy to follow steps: "Get the pole out of the crawl space". Or go out and buy one.
I went indoor rock climbing last night at the Rock Oasis at Bathurst Street and Front Street. It was my first time, so I had to take a lesson. Once they taught me how to put on my harness, tie into the safety rope and belay, I was ready to
Torontoist, a Toronto blog that is closing up shop at the end of the year, is owned and operated by Gothamist LLC. From the Gothamist LLC "about us" page: Gothamist LLC owns and operates the most popular network of city blogs on the Internet today. Founded in 2003 and led
One of the little games I play with Google involves search results for toronto blog. I'm in the top three, but I have my hands full with a couple of multiple authored professional blogs. One of those blogs is Torontoist, owned by Gothamist. Gothamist has decided to close Torontoist on
The folks at XM Radio were kind enough to give me an XMP3, and I'm having a lot of fun with it, so the least I can do is tell you about this Christmas promotion they're running. For starters, the XMp3 portable satellite radio is now on sale for $199.
I've had my XMP3 player with XM Satellite Radio for a few weeks now. I thought it might be a good time to share what I like about it and what I dislike about my latest toy. Today I wanted to take a walk at lunch, and instead of grabbing
Sean Avery never met a microphone he didn't like. As previously discussed, Toronto doesn't like Sean Avery, so nothing he says surprises or shocks any more. His act has grown old and stale and it's time for us to do our part and ignore his antics. Stay classy, Sean Avery.
It was six years ago today I changed my personal home page into a blog. In the world of blogging, six years is actually pretty impressive, if I do say so myself. The vast majority of your favourite blogs started later than November 30, 2002. The Tale of the Tape
It's been crazy busy today, but I wanted to share an email I received from Matthew Ward. He stumbled upon my site and asked for the Gord Downie "Hallelujah" MP3, a request I get at least twice a week. As usualy, I obliged, and then I got the email below.
There are 5,693 pictures in my Flickr account. These 5,693 pictures have been viewed a total of 51,429 times. The picture viewed the most times, at least amongst the shots I personally took, is a shot of Santa Claus closing out the 2004 Santa Claus Parade. I
Lots of houses in my neighbourhood go all out for Halloween, creating elaborate displays and building scarecrows and other seasonal characters. One house, however, had my favourite Halloween display. Here's a pic I took of the Napoleon Dynamite Halloween display that makes me giggle on my way to work each
When I see an image I like, I throw it in my Flickr account. Over the past year, I've added nine images I've tagged "obama". Here is my Obama collection.
Tomorrow we'll return to our regular blogging schedule, but tonight it's all about our neighbours to the south. America has elected an African-American as their President, 232 years after the United States Declaration of Independence. I've recently been asked if I was rooting for Obama because he's black. I followed
Last December I wrote about putting on skates for the first time in about fifteen years. I bought a pair of skates and skated with my son every Saturday through the winter. I just joined a recreational hockey team, and we make our ice debut on Friday. I haven't played
Retired General Colin Powell appeared on Meet the Press this morning and explained eloquently why he's endorsing Barack Obama for President of the United States of America. As I listened to Powell speak, he said many things I agreed with, but one thing in particular struck me as it hasn't
Thanks to Jason Barr, I'm going to the CASBY Awards 2008 at the Kool Haus on Wednesday night. A sweet selection of Canadian bands will be performing, including City and Colour, Tokyo Police Club, USS, Neverending White Lights and Sloan. I know a lot of old CFNY fans read this
Today is Apple Day. If you have a son in Beavers, Cubs, Scouts or any other sect of Scouts Canada, you know what Apple Day is. Heck, if you yourself were ever a Beaver, Cub or Scout, of if you've been asked to donate to Scouts Canada by some young
I can do a pretty good roast, but so can Obama. Here he is roasting John McCain. If you don't want to watch the video below, I'll throw down the transcript after the YouTubery. Thank you.Thank you so much.Thank you so much.I thank you to Al and
In what can only be described as a virtual online battle royale, I'm declaring victory. Freddie P fired the first shot and I opened a can of whoop ass on the grumpy old man late last night. Today, Fred has conceded. Check out Toronto Mike's website today. He responds to