Total 802 Posts
I love reading the comments on this site. I wish more of you would comment more often. Don't be shy, create an alias and stick with it and you'll remain anonymous. Do you really think Argie is an Argie and Elvis is an Elvis? Jason, a.k.a. OJ Boy,
If you haven't yet entered to win the lithium-ion grass trimmer / edger I'm giving away thanks to Canadian Tire, do it! Think of the odds... there are less than 50 entries right now. These are "draft Sidney Crosby" type odds! Click here and leave a comment revealing how you first
The big social bookmarking sites are Delicious, Digg, Stumbleupon and reddit. This is my 9005th entry, and I learnt about 5000 entries ago that you can't predict which entries will gain traction with these social bookmarking services. Stumbleupon is currently sending a whack of traffic to my Best. Party. Playlist.
Every year around Thanksgiving, there's this awesome salmon run in the Humber River at Etienne Brule Park. It's just north of the Old Mill Bridge at the weir. You see hundreds and hundreds of salmon trying to swim up the weir and it's pretty fun to watch. Today, as my
I'm pretty sure we haven't hit Father's Day yet, because my kids haven't said a word about it, but I've already received a pretty kick ass Father's Day gift. It arrived this afternoon from Canadian Tire. Since I was more than happy to give one of you a $199 lithium-ion
I've never watched the Tony Awards. I'm not a theatre guy. I didn't know they were on last night, and even if I did, I wouldn't have tuned in. Having said that, I didn't realize Poison was going to perform and Bret Michaels was going to nearly be decapitated. Seriously,
This is pretty cool. Canadian Tire is giving me a Father's Day gift, and they're giving a Toronto Mike reader a Father's Day gift. I told you this was pretty cool... And we're not talking about some cheesy $20 gift. We're talking a Yardworks 20V (6Ah) / 12-in Lithium-ion Grass Trimmer
I always thought Toronto was home to three universities, until I stumbled upon Pizza PIzza University during a walk through an industrial part of Etobicoke this afternoon. You can add Pizza Pizza University to U of T, York and Ryerson as one of our four unis. Find more information of
It's going to be 27°C and mostly sunny today, perfect softball weather. My Beer League team makes its season debut at 6pm. It's called the Beer League because every other team in this league consumes vast amounts of beer throughout each game. I've noted a correlation between beer consumption
I give Rogers a good chunk of my hard earned cash every month. I've got Internet, home phone, digital cable and my wife's mobile phone with them. That's a lot of cabbage! At least Rogers was paying for my Flickr pro account. I'm a heavy Flickr user who used to
When Santa brought my kids a Nintendo Wii for Christmas back in 2007, it reminded me of all the fun I had on my old 8-bit Nintendo back in the day. One of my favourite games was Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!. The characters are returning to the Wii in Punch-Out!!. Here's
I recently shared an illustration of the prototypical blog troll. If you give a guy an audience and perceived anonymity, the end result can be super dickish. Earlier today, an incredibly stupid comment was left on a hockey forum site. Here's that message. I'm killing Ovechkin. I'm going to jail.
Horonymous just snapped a pick of the Google car making its way through his South East Mississauga neighbourhood. The Google car provides footage used for Google Street View, a feature of Google Maps and Google Earth that provides for many streets in the world 360° horizontal and 290° vertical panoramic
It's a shame I only get to pull this one out once a year. It's a classic. May the Fourth be with you.
In my entry about Nick Kypreos joining the fun on Saturday, I mentioned Dan Duran would be producing the Humble and Fred 20th Anniversary Podcast of Memories. Reading Dan's name prompted Dizz to leave the following comment. I've been away from Toronto and the entire radio/TV scene... whatever happened
Everything old is new again. Here's a 1976 ad for the Swine Flu Shot.
When I was a kid, the WWF meant Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, Paul "Mr. Wonderful" Orndorff and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan. At some point the original WWF, the World Wildlife Fund, stopped playing nice with the World Wrestling Federation and reclaimed their acronym. The WWF has some great ads. Here's
You will not find an entry about Susan Boyle on this site. Search as long as you want, but you won't find the YouTube clip of her singing "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Misérables for Britain's Got Talent anywhere on TorontoMike.com. Is it blasphemy for me to admit
I'm a creature of habit. I awaken at the exact same time every weekday morning. At precisely 7:30, I jump out of bed and into the shower. This morning, for some inexplicable reason, I forgot I get up every day at 7:30. At 7:05 I leapt out
In Don't Feed the Trolls, Shoot 'Em! I wrote about Welland Guy. Welland Guy is a blog troll who shows up periodically on this blog, HumbleHoward.com and CanadianThinker.com. I make it a point to ban his IP address from commenting on all three sites as soon as he
They're wondering at forgetomori if a “Michael Jackson” ghost haunted Muhammad Ali and George Foreman during their Rumble in the Jungle back in the wonderful year of 1974. Michael Jackson's face shows up in the below video at the 5:45~46 mark. It's Michael Jackson circa 2000, not Michael
I often get messages via the form at http://www.torontomike.com/contact.html. Here's an interesting one I received moments ago. Dear TM,I am a strictly anonymous person who wonders why fred's site isn't blocked by my work filter yet a certain other blog is...I wish to
We spend a lot of time looking at screens. According to the New York Times "adults are exposed to screens – TVs, cellphones, even G.P.S. devices – for about 8.5 hours on any given day." I actually think that might be low. I'm in e-marketing, and that means the
Every other ad I hear on the radio these days opens with "in these tough economic times" or something in that vein. I'm as guilty as anyone. Targeting CFOs with HTML email copy, I recently opened with "new economic conditions are driving companies to become increasingly cautious about the near
As expected, the epic Fox News FAIL I wrote about yesterday has ignited a shitstorm of controversy. Canada’s defence minister, Peter MacKay, . said officials planned to contact Fox News to inquire about demanding an apology I believe that it should be requested and these individuals who have made the