Total 801 Posts
My pal Humble has asked a question on Facebook and Twitter today. He wants to know what we hate that everybody else loves. His answer is Betty White, Champagne and Pink Floyd. I'm going with Julia Roberts, Jackass, the Dave Matthews Band, Glee and MMA. How about you? What are
I work in marketing. Periodically, there will be an event to promote, and someone will always suggest a graphic for the email signature. I always hate the idea. Why bog down an email with an image that will often be stripped? The Oatmeal has a very funny piece on email
I was the foreman for a jury that just reached a verdict at the Supreme Court of Canada Ontario Superior Court of Justice. We deliberated for five hours yesterday before I read aloud our decision at the 361 University courthouse. I've decided not to write about the actual case, primarily
As foreman of the jury, I read the verdict this afternoon. The last two weeks have been completely draining so I'm just going to decompress for a bit and then we'll return to our regularly scheduled blogging. Let's see... we have to talk about jury duty, Bautista's 50th, the 2010/
I passed this heart tied to a fence in my neighbourhood. There was a reply from the homeowner via post-it note. I thought the exchange was pretty cool so I snapped a pic. A random act of heartshare in the city...
I was summoned to Jury Duty this morning. Here's what happened to me on this crazy day. I had to be there for 8:30am. I was in line at 361 University Ave emptying my pockets and passing through the metal detector at 8:25. While inside, hundreds of us
I've been summoned to jury duty. Tomorrow morning, at 8:30, I have to show up at 361 University Ave., Room 167. I'm told it's my civic duty. I know where I'm supposed to be at 8:30 tomorrow, but not much else. I have no idea when I'll be
The other morning I was listening to Humble on Boom and he did this "impossible question" bit. The crux was that most people hit the snooze button three times a morning. I've never in my entire life hit the snooze button. In fact, for the past few years, I haven't
I just have one question... What the hell happened to August?
For all of my adult life, I've showered with the radio on. When I moved out at the age of 21, one of the first things I bought was a shower radio. I think I'm on my third shower radio, pretty good for a 15-year stretch. The picture below was
I caught The Stills tonight at the Boiler House at The Distillery District. We're talking VIP front-of-the-stage stuff, as well as cocktails and grub and the whole nine yards during a beautiful night in the city. It was a super fun night and I've got to thank the gang at
Dog days of summer and all, I've got nothing to say. Consider this an open thread. What's on your mind? What do you want to talk about?
This ain't funny, so don't ya dare laugh. Don't even chuckle....
I just realized that all ducks are actually wearing dog masks. Whoa.
Telus is introducing a spokesperson they call Pat Prefontaine. Pat's a lot like the Old Spice guy, Isaiah Mustafa, only not as charming. Telus would absolutely love it if you visited Pat Prefontaine at http://patprefontaine.com/. Nice try, Telus, but if you're going to rip off the hot marketing
I just saw @blogesalming complaining about all the orange flavoured Popsicles in the box he just opened. I'm not an orange fan myself. My go-to Popsicle flavour is grape, or "purple" as I call it. We buy these big boxes of Mr. Freeze Kisko Freezies. The box contains the following
The comic strip "Cathy" will run in newspapers for the final time October 3. Cathy Guisewite, the strip's creator, is pulling the plug after 34 years. It's a well known fact that no male has ever read Cathy, but for it to exist for 34 years there must have been
I just found out the Kool-Aid Man is 35 years old this year. From Wikipedia: In 1975 Kraft Foods created the character’s first costume with arms and legs. He also became more of an action figure in commercials — performing extreme sports and busting through brick walls. Kool-Aid Man is
I was checking the referral logs when I saw traffic coming from this eHow article entitled "How to Make Easy Bookshelves With Planks, Concrete Block & Glass". Bookshelves are an important part of a home's organization. Bookshelves hold books, nick-knacks and even electronics like radios or small televisions. Most bookcases
They call these the dog days of summer. It's hot, life is busy and less people are in front of their computers looking at blogs. I write about what I find interesting. You'll be hard pressed to find an entry on this site I don't care about. Go ahead and
Just once in my life... just once... I want to feel what this guy felt at Yosemite Bear mountain. it's a double rainbow, all the way. Oh my God, it's so intense.
How do you make a Wednesday feel like a Friday? Stick Canada Day on a Thursday. That'll do it. It's a great day to celebrate our freedom. I am free!
This is a photo of Marilyn Monroe reading Ulysses by James Joyce. It was taken by Eve Arnold in 1954. I love this photo.
There's a new ad for Adidas hitting the interwebs. It features David Beckham, Daft Punk, Snoop Dogg, Franz Beckenbauer, Noel Gallagher, Ian Brown, Ciara, Jay Baruchel and DJ Neil Armstrong in a recreation of the cantina scene from Star Wars. Is this a fun homage to a beloved movie scene
It's been quite the week. I've spent approximately 12 hours at St. Joe's emergency because of a hard slide into third that went horribly wrong, and I anticipate spending another six or so hours there this weekend. It's completely hogging my leisure time. My Blackberry can't get a signal in