Toronto Mike


Total 801 Posts

My Email Signature Pet Peeve

I work in marketing.  Periodically, there will be an event to promote, and someone will always suggest a graphic for the email signature. I always hate the idea.  Why bog down an email with an image that will often be stripped? The Oatmeal has a very funny piece on email
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The Jury Duty Process

I was summoned to Jury Duty this morning.  Here's what happened to me on this crazy day. I had to be there for 8:30am.  I was in line at 361 University Ave emptying my pockets and passing through the metal detector at 8:25.  While inside, hundreds of us
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Jury Duty

I've been summoned to jury duty.  Tomorrow morning, at 8:30, I have to show up at 361 University Ave., Room 167.  I'm told it's my civic duty. I know where I'm supposed to be at 8:30 tomorrow, but not much else.  I have no idea when I'll be
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No Snooze

The other morning I was listening to Humble on Boom and he did this "impossible question" bit.  The crux was that most people hit the snooze button three times a morning. I've never in my entire life hit the snooze button.  In fact, for the past few years, I haven't
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Do You Shower Radio?

For all of my adult life, I've showered with the radio on.  When I moved out at the age of 21, one of the first things I bought was a shower radio.  I think I'm on my third shower radio, pretty good for a 15-year stretch. The picture below was
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