Toronto Mike


Total 176 Posts

Michelle the Nurturer

I snapped this pic last night as my daughter put her little brother to bed. She's incredible with the little guy, so nurturing and loving. It's really a sight to behold. She helped bathe him, put him in his pajamas and sleep sack, read him Goodnight Moon and fed him
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First Christmases

This is my son Jarvis's first Christmas. We got a pic of him with Santa just so I could put together this little collection I call "First Christmases". This is my firstborn James and his first Christmas of 2002. This pic wasn't even digital. Here''s my darling daughter Michelle and
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Reusable Cloth Diapers a Success

It's been seven months since I wrote about the reusable cloth diapers I'm using with kid #3, so I thought it was time for an update. To recap, my first two children used disposable diapers. This time, my wife bought reusable cloth diapers from BumGenius and Fuzzibunz. Yes, those are
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Halloween Thoughts

My oldest son has advised me that he's going trick-or-treating with his buddies tonight. He'd prefer I didn't tag along. My youngest son has a costume, but has no idea what's going on. He's still a couple of Halloweens away from going door-to-door. Luckily for me, my daughter has asked
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Cottaging on Oxtongue Lake

I have returned from a short trip to paradise. We rented cottage #7 from White Birches Cottage Resort and enjoyed hot and sunny days on Oxtongue Lake. There was plenty of swimming, kayaking, canoeing and barbecuing and all five of us had a blast. That's right, this was sweet baby
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How I Ended Up On Instagram

A couple of years ago, I wrote many words about why I never liked Instagram. When Instagram came on the scene, I hated how people were intentionally and artificially processing their pictures to make them look old or Polaroided. In my opinion, the aged look of a photograph only has
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The first sign of a newborn's personality comes out when he/she starts to smile and laugh. And once you discover what makes that happen, you'll do it over and over again, no matter how ridiculous you sound.
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Kids Still Want to Win

I often hear rants and jokes about how we're breeding a generation of underachievers by rewarding them for participation. The insinuation is that we don't keep score and everyone is regarded as a winner.  This isn't true, nor is it new. In the early 80s, when I started my house
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