Toronto Mike


Total 174 Posts

Too. Much. Cuteness.

I'm a very lucky guy. I have four amazing children. My youngest, who is now four months old, is also going to be my last. The next time I'm caring for a child this size, I'll be a grandfather, so I'm really trying to soak this in. Every day I'm
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I Choose Hockey

Fewer and fewer kids are playing hockey these days. It's a fairly expensive game and there are plenty of other, often safer, options. Neither of my nephews play hockey. It's no longer a surety that a Canadian kid will strap on the skates each week and chase a puck. I
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My Morgan

This morning, at 6:34am, Morgan Sophia arrived. She was 7lb 11oz and perfectly healthy. Mom was awesome and is doing great. James and Michelle met their little sister today and Jarvis gets the honour tomorrow.
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This is the Month

It's March. This is the month. This is the month in which my baby girl will be born. My wife is almost 37 weeks pregnant. I know because I've literally been counting them down. Her OB/GYN is happy with everything, from the baby's heartbeat to the fundal height, and
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Jarvis and Park Benches

My youngest is unable to pass a park bench without wanting to sit on it and chill. It sure slows down walks through High Park. When he first started doing it, I thought it was cute and would take a picture, but now it happens so often it's lost its
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The Gender Reveal Cake

On Friday, my wife and I learned the gender of our unborn baby. We kept that detail to ourselves for one day so we could inform the kids in the best way possible: via cake. My wife made a vanilla cake with food colouring. My daughter would cut the cake,
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I love fatherhood. I think I'm pretty good at it. At least my kids tell me so. I do my very best and treat the responsibility as if it's the most important job I'll ever have. My first born will soon be 14-years old. We talk about everything. My goal
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Flat Brim Caps = Generation Gap

My daughter knows me well. She can anticipate my reaction to just about everything. It's frightening, really. She has a birthday this month so she's started dropping hints about things she'd like. After her last soccer match, it went something like this: Michelle: Daddy, there's something I want, but you're
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