Edge 102 ~ CFNY
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This little relic from Toronto's radio history was sent to me by Frank. It was circulated back in '92 when there were rumours CFNY was returning to top 40, as it did briefly in the late 80s. These types of campaigns remind me of David Marsden's original call to arms
Launched last February, Spirit of Radio Sunday on 102.1 the Edge, hosted by Scot Turner, was mighty popular in my circle. Scot and I spoke a great deal about the concept in episode 102 of my podcast. Essentially, the show was an homage to the legacy of CFNY, playing
In this 106th episode, Mike chats with broadcasting legend David Marsden about his years as David Mickie, his time at CHUM FM, the Spirit of Radio days at CFNY, his years at Iceberg and The Rock and his latest venture, NYthespirit.com. Tears are shed. This episode is exactly 1:
In this 105th episode, Mike chats with CFNY 102.1, CHUM FM and Boom 97.3 host Maie Pauts about her career in radio. This episode is exactly 56:50. You can listen to this episode in a variety of ways: Subscribe in iTunesListen via StitcherFollow on tuneinSubscribe directly to
In this 103rd episode, re-branded episode 102.1 by marketing, Mike chats with George Stroumboulopoulos about his years at The Fan 590, CFNY Edge 102, MuchMusic, CBC and his current gig at Hockey Night in Canada. There are laughs, tears, The Wire references and almost two hours of open and
In this 102nd episode, Mike chats with Spirit of Radio Sunday host Scot Turner about his many years on CFNY and Energy 108, what's next for Spirit of Radio Sunday on Edge 102 and why he keeps changing the spelling of his first name. This episode is exactly 1:03:
In this 100th episode, Mike chats with Humble and Fred about their 25 years together as they share more Toronto radio stories than you can shake a stick at. In fact, if you work in Toronto radio, we likely talked about you. This episode is exactly 1:30:51. You
Just this past March, Fearless Fred switched from mornings on 102.1 the Edge back to afternoons and a new morning show of Dominik Diamond, Josie Dye and Greg Beharrell took over. Now it seems Fearless Fred is back taking care of the morning shift with co-host Melani and Josie
Alan Cross is returning to 102.1 the Edge where he's spent the bulk of his radio career. You can hear him chat with me about his career in radio in episode 66 of my podcast. We haven't been told yet what his role will be on 102.1, but
In this 82nd episode, Mike chats with Alan Cross, David Marsden, Brother Bill, Todd Shapiro, LoriAnn, Fred Patterson and others about the life and death of Martin Streek on the 5th anniversary of his death. This episode is exactly 1:56:33. You can listen to this episode in a
Nash the Slash passed away on the weekend. He played electric violin on The 102.1 Band's "Working on the Radio", a song by CFNY and about CFNY, written by Brad McNally and Jim Bird. Here's "Working on the Radio" from 1979. Download this MP3 here.
Here's how Alan Cross used to sound in his early days on CFNY 102.1. After listening to this vintage clip, click over to my interview with Alan Cross from earlier this year. Download this MP3 here.
CFNY runs down the 10 worst albums of 1985 in this vintage audio clip. Download this MP3 here.
Starting March 31, 102.1 the Edge has a new morning show consisting of Dominik Diamond, Josie Dye and Greg Beharrell. This official ends the Fearless Fred experiment as he goes back to the afternoon drive where he'll be joined by Melani. And yes, that is Carlos Benevides returning to
Todd Shapiro debuted his new show this morning on Sirius XM 168. You can hear it all on his awesome new website. Although he revealed quite a bit in his interview with me last month, he spilt more beans on his show today about his split from 102.1 the
I'm a little late on this one, but how could I resist writing about a story with the title Corus' 102.1 The Edge, Toronto, Launches 'Spirit of Radio Sunday'? Here's the rest of the story. Corus Entertainment’s 102.1 the Edge (CFNY-FM) is bringing back the music that
In this 67th episode, Mike chats with Todd Shapiro about his days at 102.1 the Edge on the Dean Blundell Show, what the hell happened and his upcoming show on SiriusXM. This episode is exactly 59:55. You can listen to this episode in a variety of ways: Subscribe
I will be sitting down later this week with Todd Shapiro, formerly of the Dean Blundell Show on 102.1 the Edge. He'll be dropping by to record an episode of my podcast Toronto Mike'd, and I get an entire hour to ask him anything I want. I know what
In this 66th episode, Mike chats with Alan Cross about his days at CFNY 102.1, the Ongoing History of New Music, Martin Streek, Dean Blundell, Edgefests, Indie88, Courtney Love, the future of terrestrial radio and more. This episode is exactly 57:24. You can listen to this episode in
I will be sitting down later this week with legendary broadcaster and writer Alan Cross. He'll be dropping by to record an episode of my podcast Toronto Mike'd, and I get an entire hour to ask him anything I want. I know what questions I'll be asking him, but I'd
When the Dean Blundell Show was suspended by Corus last month, I listed five possible outcomes. Number two on that list, after keeping Dean Blundell, was handing Fearless Fred the keys without missing a beat. With Fearless Fred taking over mornings on 102.1 starting Monday, it seems we're one
The Dean Blundell Show is no longer on 102.1 The Edge. The show has been cancelled. Here's the official statement from Corus Radio. With the start of the new year, Corus Radio will be taking 102.1 the Edge in a new direction in 2014. The station will return
With Dean Blundell suspended following their most recent controversy, I've been receiving a number of emails, Tweets and comments chock full of speculation. Here are 5 possible outcomes. 1. Window DressingThe likeliest outcome of all is that Dean Blundell returns to host the 102.1 morning show early in 2014.
We've been talking a lot about the Dean Blundell Show on 102.1 The Edge lately. Last week Dean Blundell attacked Humble and Fred and just Friday Todd Shapiro chimed in on the controvery. Now Derek Welsman, a.k.a. Blind Derek, is in some hot water for a discussion
If you want to hear the first two chapters of this trilogy, I have the audio here. In a nutshell, Dean Blundell went off on Humble and Fred after they had Todd Shapiro on their podcast. Humble and Fred responded, and today Todd Shapiro returned to the Humble and Fred