Edge 102 ~ CFNY
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In this 470th episode, Mike chats with David Haydu, better known as Geets Romo, about his career in radio, especially his years with Pete Griffin co-hosting the Pete N' Geets show on CHUM-FM and CFNY. This episode is exactly 1:36:15. You can listen to this episode in a
Dave “Bookie” Bookman was 58. Bookie was as fine a radio personality as a city like Toronto could hope for. He loved the music, and it showed. After 21 years on 102.1 the Edge, he was let go in 2012, but quickly resurfaced on Indie 88 where he hosted
In this 390th episode, Mike chats with Dani Elwell about her years at CKLN and CKFM, her on-air resignation at CFNY, her time at JAZZ.FM91, sad departure from the station and what's next. This episode is exactly 1:58:15. You can listen to this episode in a variety
I honestly didn't see this coming. Corus has announced the new morning show on 102.1 will be Ruby and Alex Carr, a brother-sister duo currently on the air in Vancouver. Their Toronto show will launch in January 2019. I sure got some bad intelligence on this one. At one
Earlier today, I was discussing the morning show at 102.1 the Edge with Dani Stover, who used to produce the Dean Blundell Show on that station. I find it curious that 102.1 hasn't launched a new morning show yet, despite the fact it's ratings season. Marc from 12:
There was a time when the firing of the Edge morning show would be a "stop the presses" moment around these parts. Since the cancellation of The Dean Blundell Show, the only constant at 102.1 the Edge in the mornings has been change. Fearless Fred was there for a
In my very basement you learned about Mike Richards' new independent venture and Greg Brady's return to mornings on The Fan 590, but there was other news today. At 102.1 the Edge, my station throughout the 90s, they shuffled the deck. The new morning show is going to be
Josie Dye started at 102.1 the Edge way back in 2002. She took over middays when Kelly Cutrara left and stayed in that spot until she moved to mornings following the cancellation of the Dean Blundell Show. That experiment didn't last long, and Josie Dye was moved to 2pm-6pm.
I grew up listening to CFNY. That's 102.1 on the FM dial if you don't recognize the call letters. Today, the station is best known as 102.1 the Edge. Since I'm interested in the station, past and present, I've invited a number of personalities from the station to
In this 159th episode, Mike chats with Rob Johnston, a man who worked at CFNY 102.1 from 1989 to 2015. This episode is exactly 1:26:50. You can listen to this episode in a variety of ways: Subscribe in iTunesListen via StitcherFollow on tuneinSubscribe directly to the feed
In this 157th episode, Mike chats with CFNY's Ivar Hamilton about his days at the Spirit of Radio, his memories of Martin Streek, how he was responsible for the Bon Jovi banner at the ACC and what he and David Marsden are up to these days. This episode is exactly
I received an email from a reader named Billy who has a question for the hivemind. What is the more impressive line up? CFNY 102.1 The Edge circa 1997 or the 2015 Toronto Blue Jays? The 1997 CFNY 102.1 the Edge lineup was: Humble and Fred - weekdays
When Pete Fowler visited for his appearance on Toronto Mike'd, he told a great story about co-hosting The Thursday 30 with Martin Streek in 1994 when Martin Streek dropped an F-bomb. He even brought in the memo sent by Stu Meyers about this incident. I read this memo in its
In this 155th episode, Mike chats with Barry Taylor about David Bowie, his years on 102.1 the Edge, why he was fired, his work at Y108, his stand-up career and his Raptors podcast. This episode is exactly 1:00:28. You can listen to this episode in a variety
In this 152nd episode, Mike chats with former 102.1 the Edge announcer Pete Fowler about his years at the station, his relationship with Martin Streek, why he left radio to become a cop and his new show, The Lost Indie City. This episode is exactly 1:21:20. You
My buddy Andrew passed these audio treats along, so I thought I'd share them with the masses. This is how CFNY 102.1 sounded in 1983.
I've been conversing with a documentary filmmaker producing a film about Martin Streek. He's been listening to my podcast as a source of research, which fills me with great pride. We had a chat yesterday about Chris Sheppard and his thoughts on Martin Streek. Shep would often say "often imitated,
In this 138th episode, Mike chats with 102.1 the Edge host Adam Ricard about his decade at the Edge, his feud with Alexisonfire, the Blue Jays, the Casby Awards, job security in radio and lots more. This episode is exactly 58:59. You can listen to this episode in
There's some great behind-the-scenes footage of Humble and Fred recording their CFNY morning show in 1994 in this clip. Also, bonus Dan Duran, Jason Barr and Marla West. [via Dave Thielking, h/t to @retrontario]
In this 132nd episode, Mike chats with 102.1 the Edge host Josie Dye about her years on the air, her butchering of O Canada, her relationships with Martin Streek and Dean Blundell and why Diamond and Dye didn't work. Also, intense air is cleared. This episode is exactly 1:
Karim Mosna sent me a link to this little documentary about CFNY thinking I might be interested. It's 22-minutes long and includes chats with Alan Cross, David Marsden, Ivar Hamilton and Dani Elwell. If you're looking for a more long-form deeper dive into this subject, I strongly recommend the following
In this 118th episode, Mike chats with Dani Stover about her years producing the Dean Blundell Show on Edge 102, why she was fired, her battle with depression and her life on the air in Peterborough. This episode is exactly 1:18:07. You can listen to this episode in
In this 114th episode, Mike chats with Jason Barr about his years as Danger Boy on Humble and Fred, his decade as co-host of the Dean Blundell Show and his current gig at 97.7 Htz FM. This episode is exactly 43:00. You can listen to this episode in
With the passing of Don Berns earlier this week, it seems like an appropriate time to jump in the time machine back to 1989 when CFNY 102.1 had changed its progressive and alternative new music format to something more mainstream. How mainstream? Think Janet Jackson and Bryan Adams. CFNY
He was the longtime Toronto radio personality best known for his seven years at CFNY from 1985 to 1992 and his many years as Dr. Trance, Godfather of the Toronto rave scene. I was hoping to have Don Berns on my podcast, and when he came in, I was going