Toronto Mike

Greg Brady ~ Kevin Frankish Switcheroo at 640

FOTM Greg Brady, who has appeared on Toronto Mike'd several times, has been the AM640 morning show host since 2021, following the firing of FOTM Mike Stafford. This morning he announced he's leaving the show to seek the candidacy for the Conservatives to run in Ajax.

Here is my announcement from "Toronto Today w/ Greg Brady" from this morning's show.  I'll save the build-up.  I am leaving the show & my amazing work family at 640 Toronto, and am seeking the candidacy for the Conservative Party of Canada, to run in my hometown of Ajax, Ontario. My family, my friends, my community, & yes, Canada, & our future prospects.....they mean everything to me. This isn't about "leaving" something - it's about sprinting "towards" something of critical importance.  I believe we can right some wrongs in our country.  I think we have had all the wake-up calls we need - in the last 4 months....& in the last 9 1/2 years. There will be a lot to learn, a lot of new things to embrace, but I'm brimming with energy, confidence, & the belief that this is a great landing spot, & my firm belief that Pierre Poilievre will make a fantastic Prime Minister - and it is imperative for our future to do that work to make sure that happens.  Here's more context on this exciting moment - and, of course, a lot of people needed to be thanked.  I'm stepping away from 640 (unlike so many radio departures) having the most fun I've had in ages, with the best people I've worked with, & for in ages.    This should speak to the importance of our moment -- where I live, where you live - where we all live, as Canadians.  Thank you. We're going to get this done, &, yes, we're going to "Bring It Home".  We must.

Taking his spot on AM640 is another FOTM who has visited several times, Kevin Frankish. “I'm thrilled to be joining the team at 640 Toronto – a powerful place for important conversations,” said Frankish. “Every morning, I am going to do my best in trying to help you make sense of what is becoming an increasingly senseless world. I will be asking the questions of newsmakers, and demanding the answers I know that you want, however, I will always try to send you off into your day in a positive way.”

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