Toronto Mike

Canada Collected

I was in a coffee shop in Mount Dennis called supercoffee and noticed this very cool poster hanging on the wall.

A little research tells me it's called "Canada Collected" and is a available here. Here's the description.

We love Canada. And this lust started long ago, with family trips across the border into Windsor, Sault St. Marie or Sarnia. And you’d be in a whole ‘nother world. The candy got weirder. Everything was accompanied by a French translation. G.I. Joe guys suddenly came in weird colors, unlike their counterparts in the States. And it was awesome. This is what I remember.

And as I grew older, it was hard not to hate the place. Only because we’d always get fucked with at the borders. Angry, bored, mean-spirited border agents would take great pleasure in ripping apart our cars, grilling the ugliest of us and hell, even one time standing in front of me with his hand on his gun holster, going so far as to unsnap the little snap thingie hold the gun in. Big tough guy, eh? No. Another numbnuts cop who didn’t have anything on us. Wasted time.

And then I grew into a man. Which is debatable, but, as a designer, I noticed all the beautiful governmental graphics, provincial signage and a general beautiful sense of clear, smart Canadian design. I loved Canada for this. And John Candy. Thank you, Canada. This is our ode to you! We really packed it in, and had to jump from our normal 18” × 24” size up to 24” × 30”. There was just much good stuff up there. Thank you! Act now!
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About Toronto Mike
I own TMDS and host Toronto MIke'd. Become a Patron.