Toronto Mike

Reclaiming Weird

Yesterday, Carol Off dropped by for a chat and we discussed the need to reclaim the meaning of words like freedom, democracy, truth, woke, choice and taxes. I told her I'd like to add a seventh word to that list: weird.

The Democrats in the United States have co-opted the word "weird" to use it against Republicans as a de-facto bad thing. They want you to see weird as something to avoid and ridicule.

I've always liked weird. A little bizarre, a little uncanny, weird isn't typical, and typically interesting. I'm a little weird. I'm attracted to weird. I don't think weird is bad, despite what the Democrats would have you believe.

So I'm reclaiming weird, on behalf the every other person who's a little weird.

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About Toronto Mike
I own TMDS and host Toronto MIke'd. Become a Patron.