Toronto Mike

Man Does Facebook Suck Now

I always hated the way the Facebook algorithm decided which of your Facebook friends you'd see on your page... there were friends whose posts I would literally never see. But Facebook had Lists and you could create a list with your Facebook friends you cared about and via that page see everything they posted in reverse chronological order. That's what I wanted!

Then, years ago, they removed this feature, likely because it allowed you to bypass their algorithm, and if I wanted to see my friends' posts on Facebook, I had to actually go to Today, this is a truly awful experience.

Besides the fact it's no longer everyone in reverse-chronological order, it's compleetly literred with sponsored posts and oh so many pages I have never followed. Sometimes I see 3, 4 or 5 of these pages in a row. Not only did I never follow such a page, it's often a subject matter I care nothing about.

Facebook really sucks now. But it's been sucking pretty hard for a while now.

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About Toronto Mike
I own TMDS and host Toronto MIke'd. Become a Patron.