Toronto Mike

Campfire at Humber Bay Shores

As a Waterfront Trail addict, I noticed this structure appearing by Humber Bay Shores just west of the Humber Bay Arch Bridge that crosses the Humber River. This installation is called "Campfire", and although it's currently surrounded by an ugly chain link fence, I'm assured that won't always be the case.

From the City of Toronto Culture instagram feed:

Coming soon to Humber Bay! The City of Toronto’s Public Art Collection is pleased to announce ‘Campfire,’ a forthcoming permanent public artwork by Michael Belmore and Herman Mejia. The artwork will be installed near the new plaza along the Humber Bay recreational trail. An Indigenous-led project, the finished public artwork will be a waterfront landmark and gathering place.

Image: A sculpture resembling the outline of a flame sits in a grassy area with a cityscape in the background.

There's more information here.


A campfire at the water's edge is an event and a signal, a celebration that provides warmth and comfort, extending the setting sun and pushing back the cool night air. Campfire embodies the essence of journey and travel, serving as a beacon for contemplation. The spirit of this artwork helps one find their place in time and space.

This iconic waterfront landmark and gathering place fosters community engagement and participation that unite and raise awareness of our heritage, highlighting the power of the present to embrace the significance of the future.

​With gratitude, we honour and acknowledge the Indigenous peoples who have cherished and protected this land for generations. Their wisdom and spirit continue to resonate within Humber Bay.


Michael Belmore & Herman Mejia

I'll report back when the fence is removed.

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About Toronto Mike
I own TMDS and host Toronto MIke'd. Become a Patron.