Toronto Mike

Podcasters Are Paying For Guests

Toronto Mike'd evolved without a blueprint. It became what it is because I'm essentially my own target audience and along the way it's been crucial that my heart and soul remain in the game. 12 years of trial and error means I can be a little naive when I learn how many current day podcasters operate.

Yesterday John and Jennifer from the Canadian Podcast Awards visited for a chat, because I was curious who was behind these awards and their agenda. In this chat, we talked about Podcamp Toronto, and one of the sponsors is a company that sells you guests.

It's a little like Cameo. If you want Celebrity #128, you send $X via Paypal and you get 20 minutes to chat with Celebrity #128 via Zoom. Now you have a famous person on your show and celebrities attract some listeners. Of course such services exist! I don't know why I never considered this before!

I just recorded episode 1425, and never once have a paid a guest a dime. If I were offered Celebrity #278 for pocket change, I'd politely decline. I simply don't want to talk to someone on Toronto Mike'd if they're only doing it for money. My heart and soul would not be in that game.

It's no secret I'd love a chat with Neil Young, but he's of a stature that I don't even pursue him as a guest. I'm simply not going to waste my time. What I absolutely loved about my chat with Chuck D is that I asked him directly and he was happy to do it. Because we recorded at the CNE Bandshell, the man didn't even get his Palma Pasta and Great Lakes Beer.

No real judgements here, for many podcasting is a get-rich-quick pursuit and for better or worse, the masses love to worship celebrities. The quickest way to get a celebrity to speak with you is to cut them a cheque. Your wallet may eventually thank you, but your heart and soul may never forgive you.

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About Toronto Mike
I own TMDS and host Toronto MIke'd. Become a Patron.