Following TMLX8 on Friday and then Blue Rodeo on Saturday night, it was time to escape the city with 75% of my brood. We loaded up a borrowed Hyundai Santa Fe and made our way to Michelle's favourite Provincial Park, The Pinery.

Michelle loves The Pinery because of her fantastic childhood memories of playing in the dunes with her older brother. She still enjoys the dunes, but now it's her younger brother and sister who spend hours there.

Being on Lake Huron means a nightly visit to the beach for the best sunset in the province. The first night's sunset was mere minutes before a thunder storm, whilst the next night's sunset was under clear skies. Both were gorgeous!

Then there's the campfires. The night's not over until we've had smores by a raging fire (weather permitting!).

We're already jazzed about next summer's trip. Me and the two youngest will be there, and as usual, I'll extend the invitation to the other three members of the family. Can't wait..