Toronto Mike

Most Common Drain and Plumbing Problems You Can Face

Many plumbing-related issues have the potential to cause an incredible headache, especially if it’s a busy time in your schedule and you don’t have the time to leave home. When this happens, you’ll want to know which calls to make and which ones are not worth it. Let’s take a look at some of the most common drain clogs and plumbing problems property owners can face and is it worth calling a plumber Toronto or not.

The Most Common Drain and Plumbing Problems You Are Likely to Face

There is always some plumbing or draining trouble that will pop up once in a while as long as you live. The question is not “If” it happens, but “when” it does. It’s only a matter of time. That is why there are professional plumbers in your neighborhood just waiting for your call.

Some of the plumbing and drain problems that you are likely to face as a property owner include:

  • Bubbling in bathtubs and showers that don’t go away.
  • Blocked sinks.
  • Slow-moving drains.
  • Water stains and mold from leaky pipework or taps.
  • Blocked drains that are doing their jobs but just not as efficiently as they should be.

When it comes to your water pipes, slow leaks can be a huge pain. That needs immediate fixing because the most common causes of leaks are faulty taps in the bathroom or kitchen, shower hose connectors, and any joints where two pipes meet. These are all easily fixed by a plumber.

5 Tips How Can Common Drain and Plumbing Problems Be Prevented

They say prevention is more important than cure. If that is the case, and it is, you need to learn how you can prevent the standard plumbing and drain problem before the remedy costs you. Some preventive measures include;

Tip 1. Applying the Temperance Rule When Using Pipe Cleaners

In the last decade, research has shown that common plumbing cleaners can damage your pipes. Customers have consequently switched to gentler DIY cleaners, which are less toxic and prevent pipe damage. But, overuse of any cleaner can wear down your pipes. There’s quite a lot of science behind this fact.

Note that pipe cleaners are supposed to get rid of stuck-on dirt and debris from your pipes. If none is present, the cleaner will work on the line itself. Though DIY cleaners won’t damage pipes as quickly as harsh chemicals, they can still wear down your pipes over time. To protect your pipes, use all pipe cleaners sparingly.

Tip 2. Avoid Flushing Wipes Through Your Toilet

Sending a lot of flushable wipes down the toilet might seem like a good idea, but it can do some severe damage to your plumbing. The slow breakdown process means that these wipes can clog your pipes and septic tank without warning.

Your septic tank can lead to a problem even just a few inches from your house. A clog can cause bacteria growth that will ruin your system, leading to odors or an overflow. A skilled plumber is needed to unclog the septic system, but if it’s too bad, you’ll need a new septic tank.

Tip 3. Avoid Disposing of Grease Down the Drain

The next time you cook french fries, toast bacon, or make a batch of coconut oil, never pour the grease down the drain.

Grease is a leading cause of clogged drains. Grease does not come off quickly when poured down the drain. It sticks to pipes like glue and coats the inside, creating bumps in the line. Even slight bumps in the line can slow down water and can catch food particles. This type of clog worsens over time. Also, it causes the pipe’s diameter to reduce, restricting the pressure and flow of water.

Grease is a pain to handle. For many, the best way to dispose of it is to pour it into old jars and then bring them to your nearest drop-off location. This way, you can dispose of it safely and improve the longevity of your plumbing system.

Tip 4. Deal With the Minor Plumbing Troubles as Soon as They Arise

Your plumbing is all connected - something as small as a leak in one part of your house can lead to more significant problems. It’s essential to fix minor plumbing problems as soon as they happen to avoid substantial plumbing problems.

Minor problems can turn into big ones if you don’t take care of them right away. You may fall into the temptation to ignore minor fixes, but they can later cause big problems. It’s essential to take care of maintenance issues before they become a disaster. You can prevent countless plumbing nightmares through quick, inexpensive fixes.

Tip 5. Ensure Your Drains Are Clear

Common plumbing problems include clogged drains and pipes. To avoid these, you should keep the gutters clear and clean them out every day. Not only does this stop the water from being restricted, but it also prevents large clots from forming.

Clogs are a significant problem for drains. Hair can become clumped together and create a mass the size of a golf ball, but you can stop this by clearing your drain daily. Debris such as hair can build up into these clots, but it won’t get to that point if you keep it clean.

Diagnosing Drain and Plumbing Problems

It is always essential to do some checkups on your drain and plumbing systems as a property owner. Now that is not a walk in the park for many since not everyone is a professional in plumbing. Therefore, you can hire professional plumbers in Toronto to make the diagnosis for you.

However, if you have the patience, you can perform your drain and plumbing diagnosis using these six simple tips;

Watch Out for the Water Color

If the water coming from your taps smells off or looks odd, that could be a sign of a problem with your pipes. It could mean that they are rusty or have air, sulfur, or iron build-up. If the water coming out of your taps is brown, yellow, or red, it may be due to rust. Green or blue water is likely to originate from oxidized copper pipes.

Check the Water Pressure

When your water pressure suddenly drops, it can be a symptom of something much worse. A clogged showerhead or a leaky water heater can cause low water pressure. If you notice a drop in house-wide water pressure, it’s a good idea to call a plumber. They will be able to check for maintenance and repairs that are needed.

Check the Drainage Speed in the Sink and Tub

There are many reasons why your tub or sink might be draining slowly. It could be due to a clog that you can remove by using a pipe snake or vinegar and baking soda. However, if you can’t draw a clog, the problem could be much worse than expected. Slow draining pipes may point to a different situation in your water system, such as a broken pipe or pooled water.

Watch for Frequent Dripping

The dripping sound coming from your faucet could be a sign of too high water pressure or the breakage of the valve that controls your faucet. This continuous dripping can wear down your bathroom fixtures by continuously dripping water.

Monitor Your Water Bills

If you notice that your water bills are over the roof, yet you are using the same amount of water as before, that can signify that your plumbing system is experiencing a leakage.

Watch for Smelly Extra Green Grass

The best way to figure out if you have a sewer leak is to look for a sudden patch of green grass that smells weird. If you find this spot, the pooling water on your lawn is leaking from an underground sewer line and releasing nutrients into your yard.

Where to Find a Professional Plumber in Toronto

If you reside in the Toronto area, Dr. Pipe Drain and Plumbing is the professional plumbing company of your choice. That’s because we offer the 5 star drain and plumbing services in Toronto. Dr. Pipe is a certified plumber with professionally trained workers serving large commercial institutions and small apartments. We work with state-of-the-art equipment to ensure you get value for your money.

Emergencies? Don’t worry about it. We are at your service on any day and at any time. Contact us today and let us do the heavy lifting for you.

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