Playing casino games has never been easier. Many will long for the times of sitting around a table of strangers and playing poker with a physical deck of cards during the pandemic, but the truth is that we have never been more inundated with gaming choices and ease of access.
Whilst traditional games of poker and roulette will continue once lockdowns ease up, the online gaming world is exponentially rising in demand. Roulette online is being played more than in physical casinos, and this trend seems like it will only get stronger - though it's important to remember this trend towards online casinos existed long before the pandemic.
We can divide this trend towards online gaming into four categories:
1: On-the-go gaming
First and foremost, online casinos can of course be played wherever the user likes, instead of having to march out to the physical space. In bed, in an office, in an airport, where the user is, they can play because the games are online.
This was a problem a few years back when most online casinos were either Desktop software or designed for PC web browsers. Today, they have an incredible responsive design. Along with a plethora of mobile apps on the App Store, online casino websites such as have designs that can suit different devices - PCs, tablets, mobiles, and so on.
Even PC gaming with things like Call of Duty Warzone isn’t as convenient as this, and these games have been around a lot longer. Of course, the demands to run casino games are easier, but the headline here is that users can play wherever, and whenever they like.

2: Innovation and game selection
The issue with traditional casinos is that they’re traditional - most of the games on offer have been around for decades, if not centuries. That’s all well and good because they’re great games, but the choice is very limiting.
One of the biggest drivers of online casino growth is the innovation behind games. They have taken the slot machine and iterated countless versions to the point where some are more akin to video games with leaderboards, storylines, competition, and themes.
This has left the industry in a state of overwhelming choice where users can play slots with endless different themes, or play a new twist on traditional games like roulette. The line between video games and casino games will continue to blur as casino games become even more sophisticated, and it’s likely that traditional casinos will look to incorporate more online games in the fixed-odds betting terminals.
3: Socialising
Finally, the biggest allure of traditional casinos was to sit around a table of people and enjoy the social aspect. Since lockdowns have interrupted this, online casinos have actually become a place of socialising. In-game chats are common with messaging systems for players in the same game, whilst others can use Discord and other apps for talking to friends.
Furthermore, as VR begins to take on more of a presence within online casinos, it’s likely to see not only the VR simulation of being in a room with other player’s avatars, but also to have mic-activation talking like video games. Again, online gaming is becoming a place to socialise, as opposed to the isolated experience it’s often perceived to be.
4: Transparency and anonymity
Finally, many like to enjoy their gaming in peace and privacy. They don’t want to be recognised in a casino or for spending to show up on transactions. Online casinos are getting better at this with a growing emphasis placed on privacy. For example, there is the option in many for transactions to show up as a name different from the name of the casino, or, some casinos are even offering cryptocurrency as payment. These crypto casinos are the ultimate version of anonymity because you don’t even need to verify for ID for some, and can pay with an anonymous crypto wallet.
To add to this, transparency is also more prevalent in other areas, too. For example, in a bookie or casino, the slot machines are rarely going to tell you what the odds and payback percentages are. However, online games are increasingly open about payback percentages and “return to player” RTP. These are usually found in the help screen, which increases the trust of the relationship between the player and online casino.
The pandemic has served as an accelerator effect for many industries, and online casinos is certainly one of them. They have benefited from an influx in digital players that will likely not return to traditional settings once lockdowns have been lifted because they’ve discovered their favourite games to be online, along with cyber friends and private, always-accessible entertainment. Traditional casinos will certainly survive, particularly from tourists and nightlife, but they will have to incorporate online gaming within their casinos or else be left behind the gaming evolution.