I'm slowly plugging myself back in after an amazing trip to Pinery Provincial Park with three of the kids. I borrowed a Lincoln Aviator for the 500 km round trip and I'm glad we did because the four of us and all our gear takes up a lot of space. And Morgan didn't get car sick once, which tells you how smooth the drive was.

For me, a successful day at Pinery requires three things:
- A great swim in Lake Huron
- A sunset over Lake Huron
- A roaring fire late into the dark night with s'mores, roasted marshmallows, etc.
I'm pleased to report we went 3 for 3 each day. Throw in some great hikes and four happy campers and I'm one pleased papa.

I've still got the Lincoln Aviator, so I'm taking another road trip to Waterloo to visit the child who didn't make it to Pinery this year. The amazing massage in the driver's and passenger seats have me considering yet another road trip. Gotta make hay while the sun's out!