Toronto Mike

A Lot Happening below the Surface: 3 Inspiring Basement Renovations

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A basement is one space in the house that is perhaps the freest of all: unlike the rooms upstairs which have a more distinct purpose, a basement is a versatile space that can be made to suit an almost unlimited number of functions.

Everyone has their own interests and budget, but that’s about all that’s holding you back. Here are a few renovation ideas that may inspire you to make more out of your basement.

Play Place for the Kids

If you have young children, making a play area for them in the basement is a wonderful idea. They can make more of a mess down there, a mess which is thankfully out of sight from the main rooms of the house!

It’s easy to find a basement contractor in Toronto to get you some built-in shelves in the wall, to store their games, books or toys. Soft carpeting is nice, as it softens the blow if they take a tumble and makes the room feel warm and cozy.

Play areas may vary widely depending on the age and the nature of the kids. A room designed for reading and playing with toys may look very different than a space meant for playing ball hockey. The main thing is to create a space that facilitates your child’s or children’s hobbies, and is a fun and inspiring place to play.

Billiard Room

There’s something about a pool table that makes any space suddenly feel like the place-to-be. Whether your game is billiards or snooker, or whether you’re playing a gentleman’s game or maybe a dollar a ball, having a pool table around turns any room into a club hangout for adults.

A pool table requires ample room on all sides, so players don’t bump up against the wall with their cue. If your basement already has the space allowance, that’s a good thing! But if you want to knock down a wall to accommodate your new pool table, or add a bar or do some other modification, there are great contractors who are easy to find.

There are renovation assist companies who link you up with a verified contractor for free, so you don’t need to hope that the random contractor you found is trustworthy. These companies always hire real experts, so you also don’t need to fear that they’re very bad at their job.

Home Theatre

With the advent of home streaming, watching TV and movies at home is one of the most common things people do nowadays. You can kick it up a notch by creating your own screening room!

All you need is a projector and some cozy seats in which to curl up and binge-watch your favourite shows or movies. To find the perfect projector for your home theatre, take a look at these projectors from unclutterer. How many rows of seating do you want? An intimate theatre for the family is different than one hosting a Super Bowl party.

Your home is your castle, but your basement is your plan pen! Hopefully you find a way to turn your basement space into a place that’s meaningful for you and the family, by finding a contractor who can turn your dreams into reality.

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About Toronto Mike
I own TMDS and host Toronto MIke'd. Become a Patron.