The Windup
I was jazzed about this ballgame all day. The Blue Jays had never won 12 games in a row, but were riding an 11-game win streak. I had also never met the greatest Blue Jay of all-time, and that was on the agenda. I biked to the dome and found a great parking spot, and it didn't cost me a dime.

This was my first Jays game from a luxury suite. I was a guest of Best Buy and Piper, and they were incredible hosts. I think I downed three hot dogs by the third inning.
I don't remember the dome being that loud and that intense since 1993. Here's a pic of my view. The entire building was electric.

The Pitch
The free tickets and hot dogs and conversation with Roberto Alomar (did I mention I was hanging with Robbie?) came at a cost. I sat in on a demonstration of the Piper Wifi Surveillance Camera & Security System. It was actually really cool, and I'm seriously thinking of picking one up.
It's only $299 with no monthly fees, and you just plug it in and point it at entry point or the garage or wherever you'd want security. Then, from the mobile app, you create rules. For example, if motion's detected, you might want to start recording, get a text, turn on a light, or even sound an alarm. And at any time from anywhere you can check things out, watch the video, change the ruleset, or whatever. The Piper, developed right here in Canada, is actually pretty awesome. You can buy it from Best Buy right here.
Robbie Alomar has a couple at his place, and after he told us about that, I thanked him for hitting that homer off of Eckersley.

The Classic Confrontation
The Blue Jays have still never won 12 in a row. As you know by now, the Yankees scored 4 in the eighth to ruin the party, but it was intense until the last pitch of the game.
With two on and two out in the ninth, Tulowitzki battled through 12 pitches. All 46,689 of us stood and held our collective breath for all 12 of them. But in baseball, you really can't win them all, and the streak ended.
As I was biking home along the lake, it was dark and quiet and beautiful, and that's when I remembered it was just a regular season baseball game. We'll be fine, Jays fans.