I'll preface this entry by stating the obvious. Derek Jeter has had a fantastic career, and deserves to be voted into the Hall of Fame. He's never been linked to performance enhancing drugs, he's always been classy and he's won.
Derek Jeter is also a career Yankee. I don't understand the Derek Jeter love-in currently in full swing at the dome. On Sunday, prior to the game against the Yankees, Jeter will be honoured with a gift from the Blue Jays organization. That's unnecessary and inappropriate.
The Jays shouldn't be giving gifts to opposing players, especially New York Yankees who never suited up for the Blue Jays. And I understand, after receiving his gift from the Jays, Jeter will give a speech and acknowledge us poor Jays fans. I don't need that, do you?
Jeter was a classy player with a great career, but he's also a New York Yankee, and this weekend's Toronto-Jeter lovefest is bollocks.