I spent a few months without cable a couple of years ago. During this time, I watched a number of episodes of How I Met Your Mother, all from seasons 1-3. Since then, I've caught a few episodes on flights, but otherwise haven't tuned in to find out what's happened to HIMYM gang. Until Monday night, that is.
On Monday night, I watched the 1-hour series finale of How I Met Your Mother and had no problem whatsoever with the controversial ending. In fact, I pretty much predicted it. Just ask my wife.
I did, however, have an issue with how unfunny it was. I could have sworn this was a funnier show during the first three seasons. I tweeted it was like Seinfeld without the humour, and I meant it.
So don't be offended that the show's writers stuck to their plan and ended it the way they did. Be offended there weren't more laughs.