I was just reading about how Television Without Pity has been shuttered by NBCUniversal. The origins of Television Without Pity go back to 1998, a long time ago in the land of websites.
That got me thinking about one of my favourite television websites from the 90s: SNPP. SNPP stood for Springfield Nuclear Power Plant and was (is) where I read Simpsons episodes recaps and learned about all the stuff I missed after my initial viewing. This recap of the very awesome season four episode A Streetcar Named Marge, for example, was converted to HTML on Saturday, September 10, 1994.
At some point simpsonsarchive.com moved to SimpsonsArchive.com but it still looks exactly as I remember it. Despite being last updated in 2012, the amazing episode guide hasn't had a redesign in a very long time.
SNPP: Long may you run!