With my first two kids, we used Pampers and Huggies disposable diapers. For kid #3, due any day now, we're using reusable cloth diapers.
My wife wrote a great entry about the decision here.
We decided to go with one-size pocket diapers. To start, I purchased two of the best reviewed pocket diapers: BumGenius 4.0 and Fuzzibunz Elite. We’ll get a feel for what works best for us and then get more for our stash.

Here are some tips my wife picked up during her research that might help others looking into cloth diapering:
- Because brands have different fits, try out different ones before completing your stash.
- Expect to do laundry every other day.
- Have at least 2-3 dozen diapers to get you between loads.
- Dirty diapers from exclusively breastfed babies do not need to be dumped/cleaned before throwing it into the wash. The poop is all water soluble.
- Dirty diapers from solid foods do need to be cleaned before throwing into the wash. Liners help in these situations.
- Certain brands of disposable liners can be re-used/washed once or twice if it’s just a wet diaper change.
- Use disposable diapers for the first few days as the poop will contain meconium, which is sticky and not fun to deal with if cleaning a cloth diaper.