With Dean Blundell suspended following their most recent controversy, I've been receiving a number of emails, Tweets and comments chock full of speculation. Here are 5 possible outcomes.
1. Window Dressing
The likeliest outcome of all is that Dean Blundell returns to host the 102.1 morning show early in 2014. He was likely going to take a couple of weeks off anyway, so sending him on vacation early and calling it a suspension is just window dressing to make it look like Corus takes this very, very seriously.

2. Fearless Fred
It's possible that Dean Blundell is now costing Corus too much money, and a move is in order. You could slide me in that spot and hardly miss a beat, but Corus is more likely to hand Fearless Fred the keys.

3. Adam and Billie
Derek Welsman, Sunshine Marlowe and Adjwoa may have already been terminated, and Dean could be next. That would leave Billie as the sole remaining cog of the DBS wheel who could be joined by Adam. Adam and Billie in the mornings?

4. All Country
In a shocking move, 102.1 The Edge could leave the alternative rock format in the capable hands of Indie88 and bring country music back to Toronto. When 102.1 goes all country, Bill Welychka will be their new morning man.

5. Humble and Fred
Humble and Fred were the morning show on 102.1 before Dean Blundell took over. They're available to slide right back into their old spots and it will be just as if the 2000s never happened.

Just kidding about that last one. I'd get the gig before Humble and Fred.