I'm fairly certain I'd enjoy Game of Thrones. Friends who agree with my love of The Wire have convinced me of that. I'm also pretty sure I'd enjoy Boardwalk Empire, Homeland and Sons of Anarchy. That's four quality shows I should try, but I'm not going to. At least, not yet...
I've made a decision to stop watching shows that are still airing. I'll wait for the series to conclude and then watch it from beginning to end without interruption. That's the way I enjoy following a drama.
Note, this rule doesn't apply to comedies, just dramas. And there are two unfinished series I'm currently following: Mad Men and Breaking Bad. They're exempt from my new rule. I'll finish both in real-time.
I watched The Wire on DVD after the series was complete. I didn't have to wait nine-months or longer for a new episode. I got to do it back-to-back-to-back and it was brilliant.
That's how I roll from now on. Let me know when Game of Thrones airs its finale. I'm looking forward to starting that one shortly thereafter.