I don't watch any television in the morning but my mom sure does. She recently switched from Breakfast Television to Global's The Morning Show. She's a big fan of Dave Gerry, Liza Fromer's co-host on the program.
Apparently, Dave Gerry's no longer on The Morning Show, so my mom asked me to find out what happened. Using the power of Twitter, I posed the question and made sure my pal Mackay Taggart, producer of The Morning Show, saw the tweet. I use the term "pal" loosely in that I follow him on Twitter and once had a conversation with him while sitting by a speaker phone with Humble and Fred, but he got back to me quickly with "Dave's decided to go back to his first love...reporting. He's still here at Global and will be producing pieces for TMS!"
Ok, he's off The Morning Show but still employed by Global to do some reporting. That's fine... but what's this alternative opinion by the slightly less credible @BlueJays55? "You can tell your mom that Liza pushed him off the show because doesn't like to share & hates talented people. She's a phony."

Either way you slice it, my mom is ticked. She just asked me if Dave Gerry's on Twitter (he is) and how she can tweet at him. She's very, very serious about this.