A list of the top 50 Toronto albums is making the rounds, so I thought I'd chime in with my six favourite Toronto albums.
With apologies to the Rheostatics, Rush and Blue Rodeo, these are my top six.

Hayden - Everything I Long For
Favourite Tracks:
"Bad As They Seem"
"In September"

The Pursuit of Happiness - Love Junk
Favourite Tracks:
"I'm an Adult Now"
"She's So Young"
"Hard to Laugh"

The Lowest of the Low - Shakespeare My Butt
Favourite Tracks:
"Henry Needs a New Pair of Shoes"
"Eternal Fatalist"
"Bleed a Little While Tonight"

Barenaked Ladies - The Yellow Tape
Favourite Tracks:
"Brian Wilson"
"If I Had $1000000"
"Be My Yoko Ono"

Maestro Fresh-Wes - Symphony in Effect
Favourite Tracks:
"Let Your Backbone Slide"
"Drop the Needle"
"Tear it Up"

Rusty - Fluke
Favourite Tracks:
"Groovy Dead"
"Wake Me"
And Neil Young's Live at Massey Hall 1971 isn't on this list because although he spent his formative years in Toronto and recorded this masterpiece in Toronto, I'm having difficulty swallowing it as a Toronto album. And yes, some of you hate rap and will ridicule me for including the Maestro on this list. Go ahead, I have thick skin.