I always liked Weird Al Yankovic. I used to hear his stuff on the old Dr. Demento show I would tune in with my little transister radio.
In a blog entry he calls The Gaga Saga, Weird Al tells a strange tale about Lady Gaga's refusal to allow him to release a parody of her hit single "Born This Way". I strongly recommend you click over and read it in his words.
In a nutshell, she wouldn't approve his concept until she heard the finished version, even though she had the lyrics. For wasting his time, Weird Al has uploaded the song to YouTube, and will be making free mp3 downloads available on weirdal.com.
He doesn't actually legally need Lady Gaga's permission to parody her song, but it's a personal policy he adheres to. Sadly, Gaga takes herself a little too seriously.
By the way, over a year later I still absolutely love the trailer for the upcoming Weird Al Yankovic biopic. I can't wait for its release.