Marc Weisblott just wrote about Blockbuster and HMV in his Daily Brew blog. Both Blockbuster and HMV are facing uncertain futures resulting in a sudden wave of store closings.
As a teen, there were only a few stores I gave a shit about. Both Blockbuster and HMV appeared on this very short list. VHS cassette rentals was a key source of entertainment, and my Blockbuster membership was well used. Buying CDs was a monthly ritual, and HMV and Sam the Record Man downtown were my go-to spots... unless the disc was cheaper at A&A.
Both Blockbuster and HMV are disappearing because technology has destroyed them. Our digitized universe not only makes piracy easy for a complete n00b but presents more convenient legitimate channels for music and movies as well. Blame iTunes and Netflix as much as The Pirate Bay.
I'm as guilty as anyone. I can't remember the last time I visited a Blockbuster, and HMV is strictly for browsing these days.
Do you still buy CDs or rent DVDs?