I was the foreman for a jury that just reached a verdict at the Supreme Court of Canada Ontario Superior Court of Justice. We deliberated for five hours yesterday before I read aloud our decision at the 361 University courthouse.
I've decided not to write about the actual case, primarily because I don't want to rank in Google for the accused's name. Although I can talk about the case, I'm sworn to secrecy with regards to what happened in the jury room, so I think everything will be easier and cleaner if I maintain a little anonymity here. Not ranking in Google for searches about the case will make that infinitely easier.
I will, however, comment on the process. It works. All twelve of us started deliberations yesterday morning with a clear and open mind and we wouldn't have had it any other way. The accused got the fairest trial possible. We were diligent, sensitive and conscientious throughout, ensuring we were all 100% comfortable with our decision before ceasing deliberations.
The case was quite sad, but riveting. For two weeks it completely drained me and I'm pleased it's come to an end.
The court staff treated us well, the judge gave clear and fair orders and we took the responsibility seriously. I didn't ask to be foreman, but when the other eleven jurors asked me to assume the role I chaired our deliberations to the best of my abilities. At the end of the day, I sincerely believe we made the right decision.
And that's what's most reassuring to me. Our judiciary system works.