I play for a slo-pitch team in the comp division of the RSPA. As part of the deal when you play in the RSPA, you have to enter at least one tournament. This weekend, we'll be paying our dues and competing in the creatively titled RSPA 2010 Summer Slo-Pitch Tournament.
Game one is tomorrow morning then we play all day Saturday, and if we're any good, we'll get to play a bunch on Sunday, too. This is an SPN sanctioned event, which means it's not the 7 and 3 co-ed split we usually play with. SPN rules are 6 and 4, which threw us for a loop. Most of today was spent searching for female ball players willing to spend their weekend with me. Surprisingly, the pool is rather small.
If you need me this weekend, I'll be playing ball at a diamond in or around Centennial Park in Etobicoke. I really want to win one of those awesome new hooded sweatshirts!

[my apologies for the gayest slo-pitch photo ever]