Bob McCown from The FAN 590 started a web site called Fadoo.ca. I used to subscribe to the RSS feed, but unsubscribed because it wasn't being updated very often and the content quality noticeably dropped.
I got an email from Bill the other day about Fadoo.ca.
Mike, just curious:
What the fadoo happened to www.fadoo.ca? It was in sad shape, no updating etc. for some time. Did Bobcat just pack it in or pressure from FAN 590? (Rogers wouldn't pressure an employee though!)
I just visited Fadoo.ca and found one line of copy: "Fadoo.ca has been closed." It's completely gone, with just Google's cache left behind.

I don't know why Fadoo.ca bit the dust, but my spidey senses are tingling. Did Rogers put pressure on Bob McCown to shut 'er down?