It all started when I appeared on The Team 990 in Montreal. I casually mentioned that the Montreal Canadiens and Toronto Maple Leafs would win the same number of playoff games this season. That's when Metric Julie jumped in and challenged me to a bet. Listen below.
Then, we established the terms. If I won, Metric Julie had to sing the refrain from "The Leafs Are The Best" on The Team 990. If I lost, I had to post a Habs tribute video on this blog.
Somehow, against all odds, I lost this bet. Montreal beat Washington in game one and now I need to do what Wendel would do. Wendel would never welch on a bet. Wendel would suck it up, embed the damn video, and publish that shit like a man.
This is for you, Wendel. Oh... and Metric Julie.
p.s. ALL HEART is over here, if you need to wash that taste from your mouth. I know I'll be spending the rest of the playoffs watching it on a continuous loop.