I don't think I heard a single minute of Roger, Rick & Marilyn when the team ruled mornings on 104.5 CHUM-FM. That was my mom's station, not mine. Rick Hodge, the Rick in Roger, Rick & Marilyn, was a guy I knew better from The Sunday Funnies, a comedy clip show that introduced me to a great deal of funny during my formative years.
The first time I met Rick, he was having what I would best describe as a hissy fit. I wrote about that episode in this entry, and then did something I hadn't done in 9525 entries. I removed the entire paragraph. After I wrote that entry, Rick and I exchanged several emails and it didn't take long for me to realize I had simply caught him on a bad day. In fact, it's entirely possible he had his worst moment with an embedded journalist in the room.
Life really is funny. You never know who you'll work with next. I was pleasantly surprised when Rick came to me for blogosphere consulting and I helped set him up with a new home for his editorializing. He's been doing a great job for weeks now at http://www.thehodgeblog.com.
Fast forward to this week. Rick Hodge and I are shooting the shit over coffee, talking about everything from Scott Norwood to the old Team 1050 (sorry Romy). It was an effortless convo that eventually turned to social networking. "I'm told I need to be on Facebook", he said.
I'll never forget how surprised Rick was to learn Facebook was free. In hindsight, I should have told him it there was a new account fee and charged him for it. I set Rick up on Facebook, handed over the keys and set him loose. He's learning... very, very slowly.
Rick's also on Twitter and you can follow him at http://twitter.com/thehodgeblog. He's got the keys to the Twitter account, too... but I'll bet he never tweets. Well, he'll tweet, because I've used Twitterfeed to auto-tweet his blog entries, but he won't know he's tweeting.
Former radio star Rick Hodge is now living in an alien world of blogging, Facebook and Twitter. He's forgiven if he feels compelled to throw another hissy fit.