Fans of Rick Hodge will be happy to learn he's now blogging at http://www.thehodgeblog.com/.
I let the cat out of the bag a little prematurely, but we're now live. Those who follow blogs via RSS will want to subscribe to http://www.thehodgeblog.com/atom.xml.
In his second entry, he took a stab at yours truly.
First off I want to thank Mike Boon for helping me get this together. Mike and I didn't get off to a good start. He got me pretty good on his Toronto Mike Blog a while back just after I left Astral Media. Here's what happened. I had set up a comedy bit by Jimmy Fallon about 80's music. What I wanted to do was set up Colleen Rusholme who was starting an 80's show on EZ Rock the following weekend. I was new to all of this and what I didn't know was that all cuts had to be limited to 30 seconds. For the bit to work it had to run 90 seconds.
When the producer cut it at 30 the entire piece just died. I asked what the story was and when I was told I yelled that that was B-S and walked out of the studio. Honestly in my time at Astral that was the only time I lost my temper. Mike just happened to be there when it happened. I have to thank Humble Howard, Ian Grant and Bill Carroll for coming to my defence. I understand why Mike felt and wrote what he did and I don't blame him. I've been called a lot of things during my career but never a Diva. Compared to some folks I've worked with over the years I'm still in pre-school when it comes to meltdowns.
For hosting the Sunday Night Funnies and Rinkside with Gord Stellick, I'm giving Hodgie a free pass.