Toronto Mike

It's Official, I'm Losing It


All week I've been telling my daughter today is Apple Day.  On Apple Day, members of Scouts Canada sell apples to raise funds that pay for activities throughout the year.  When I was young, I participated in Apple Day, and the past two years I've helped my son.  This year, I'm helping my daughter.

She decorated her basket on Monday night and I signed her up for the 11am shift.  From 11 to noon, she'd be stationed at our local Loblaws seeking donations for Scouts Canada in exchange for an apple.  This morning, she got on her gear, grabbed her basket and we walked to our post.  On the way, we practised her pitch.  "Would you like to make a donation to Scouts Canada?"  I encouraged her to make eye contact knowing how hard it would be to turn down a five year old girl.  She was pretty psyched.

There were no Beavers to relieve at Loblaws.  There were no apples awaiting us in the lobby.  I searched my email for the term "apple day" and discovered our shift is for Saturday, October 17.  We were exactly one week early.

It's official, I'm losing it.

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About Toronto Mike
I own TMDS and host Toronto MIke'd. Become a Patron.