I share an MP3 from my collection every Wednesday. You have seven days to grab this week's MP3. Please right-click your mouse and select "Save Link As..." or "Save target as..." so you can download it to your PC before playing.

Captian Lou Albano - Captain Lou's History of Music
Picking this week's MP3 was easy. A slam dunk, really.
Earlier today, we lost Captain Lou Albano. In 1985, I worshipped The Wrestling Album. I had it on cassette and played it all the time. I loved the tunes and the banter by Vince McMahon, Mean Gene Okerlund and Jesse "The Body" Ventura between songs. One of the best songs was "Captain Lou's History of Music" by Captain Lou Albano and George "The Animal" Steele. It was also produced by Cyndi Lauper under the pseudonym "Mona Flambé".
It's hard to believe this is what I was listening to 25 years ago...