I found a great timelapse video of our city workers' strike on Torontoist.
On the second full day of the city workers' strike—June 23—Torontoist photographer Christopher Drost set up a camera rig in a window at the corner of Runnymede and Annette streets. Set to shoot one photo every ten minutes (and one every two minutes once the deals to end the strike were in place), the camera looked out towards the street and over two waste bins, one on the south and one on the north side of the street, snapping shots all day and all night for the whole rest of the strike.
I didn't know this camera was there, but I know I walked right by it a few times during the strike. Speaking of the strike, after slo-pitch tonight I'll be putting my extra large bin and several garbage bags full of recycling to the curb. I was ready to go another month or two, but it's still nice to actually have some of these services we pay for.