It seems whenever I write about Twitter I'm inundated with negative comments. Clearly, most of you don't share my enthusiasm for Twitter, and that's cool. But, as promised in this comment, I will share my 15 favourite people to follow on Twitter so if you want to give Twitter a spin, you have a good starting point.
@scroll - This guy crams more interesting observations and insight into 140 characters than just about anybody. If you're like me, and enjoy watching the local Toronto media, this is your guy. His battles with the Globe tweeters are legendary.
@mathewi - Speaking of Globe tweeters, this guys is the Communities Editor of the Globe and Mail and a prolific tweeter. Following him is wise as he's got his ear to the ground and will RT the good stuff from those you're not following.
@HumHow - I once wrote that local radio personality Humble Howard was a lousy blogger but a good tweeter. It's still true. His tweets are pretty damn funny and a welcome diversion from all the heavy lifting you do in a typical business day.
@rainnwilson - Of all the celebrity bloggers, Rainn Wilson is the one who gets it best. Funny and insightful, you don't have to be a fan of The Office to follow him, but it helps.
@petermansbridg - He doesn't tweet often, but Peter Mansbridge is another who seems to get Twitter. He's refreshingly honest and revealing in his tweets, despite anchoring our national news. Chopping off the trailing "e" really messed with the plans of whoever is squatting on that Twitter acocunt.
@AntoniaZ - Antonia Zerbisia is a long-time columnist at the Toronto Star and an outspoken tweeter. She's actually been reprimanded by her employer for some of her tweets, and that just makes her more fun to follow.
@DownGoesBrown - I used to love following the fake Brian Burke on Twitter, but when DGB aborted the satire, I discovered you can get your humourous hockey fill by following DGB directly.
@strombo - Strombo's a cool dude, and that comes across in his tweets. Did you know he saw Inglourious Basterds last night and loved it? I do!
@geoperdis - Completely via tweets, I got Geo to attend the Humble and Fred 20th Anniversary Podcast of Memories and give us a second camera angle. You can see plenty of his footage in the video. But that's not why he's on this list, he's here for challenging the MSM and offering good Toronto-centric insight in 140 characters or less.
@THE_REAL_SHAQ - There's no doubt Shaq writes his own tweets. By removing a middle layer, athletes are able to communicate directly with fans in real-time. It's pretty awesome, and Shaq shows you why. Another big NBA tweeter is our very own @chrisbosh.
@mayormiller - Love him or hate him, Toronto's mayor shares on Twitter. He was pretty quiet during the recent city workers strike, but he's easing back into it. Torontonians should be following him.
@stevenpage - Formerly of BNL, Steven Page and I exchanged tweets about the passing of Martin Streek. Again, it's this kind of accessibility that makes Twitter work.
@mrseancullen - @HumHow's Twitter mentor is most definitely Sean Cullen. His tweets are absurd, and very funny. A great break from CNN Breaking News and PR propaganda.
@DarrenDreger - I just learnt Justin Pogge is being traded to the Ducks tomorrow because @DarrenDreger from TSN tweeted it. I've noticed I'm getting most of my news first via Twitter, not RSS or radio or newspapers or websites or blogs. It comes through my TwitterFox first.
@torontomike - I'm on Twitter as well, and if you're not following me, there's something wrong with you. Follow me at @torontomike. Go ahead... I'll wait.
Share with us those on Twitter we should be following in the comments below. Thanks!