I will be competing in the 15th Annual Heatwave Toronto Beach Volleyball Tournament in support of The James Fund at SickKids. As one of the athletes in this event, I have made a commitment to fight childhood cancer. No child should have to suffer this terrible disease. I'm asking you to help me save children's lives and end childhood cancer by donating today.
The donations from this incredible tournament will support The James Fund at SickKids Foundation. James was 8 years old when he passed away from neuroblastoma, a childhood cancer of the central nervous system. James knew that there was little that could be done for him but was more concerned that no other kids would die of this disease. Before James died, he knew that a Research Fund in his name was established at The Hospital for Sick Children. "I will always be fighting cancer!" said James.
Secure on line donations can be made to The James Fund at SickKids with VISA, MasterCard or American Express and an electronic tax receipt will be sent to you by email. You can make an online donation now at:
Thank you for joining us in fulfilling James's word: "I will always be fighting cancer!"