Toronto Mike

Facebook Status Messages and Twitter Tweets Now Matter


Now that I have a semblance of closure with regards to Martin Streek's suicide, I want to briefly revisit one of the details surrounding his death that has irrecoverably changed social media in my eyes.

Just before taking his own life, Martin left a suicide note for family, friends and fans in the form of a Facebook status message.  Here's what he wrote.

So...I guess that's it...thanks everyone...I'm sorry to those I should be sorry to, I love you to those that I love, and I will see you all again soon (not too soon though)... Let the stories begin.

That final act gives Facebook status messages and Twitter tweets a great deal more weight.  Here's a recent tweet from @jkozuch.


@madfatter was quick to point out how such words could now be misconstrued.


Your Facebook status messages and Twitter tweets now matter.

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About Toronto Mike
I own TMDS and host Toronto MIke'd. Become a Patron.